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Imminent board merge Nebhead Send a noteboard - 06/04/2017 12:03:26 PM

Hello fellow RAFONauts!

Given the recent lease of life that RAFO has received, I'll be following up on a frequent request to merge the boards together so that traffic isn't spread about so much and what sense of community remains can be concentrated.

So, quick question: do you think all the boards should be merged, or should some remain separate? I'm open to either approach - it would probably be a little easier for me to merge everything together, but at the same time perhaps the WoT board deserve to be preserved separately.

I await your collective wisdom with bated breath.

It's all my fault...
Vegas Aug 17-18 - A Night to Remember

Spoony made this aaaages ago for me. Never got to use it though... until now!
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Imminent board merge - 06/04/2017 12:03:26 PM 9983 Views
One Board - 06/04/2017 02:12:50 PM 2015 Views
you forgot, "to rule them all" *NM* - 06/04/2017 03:22:00 PM 1210 Views
I left it out... - 06/04/2017 06:28:01 PM 2005 Views
3 boards - 06/04/2017 03:22:11 PM 2040 Views
I like the idea of just one board. *NM* - 06/04/2017 03:16:19 PM 1139 Views
One Board please - 06/04/2017 03:36:38 PM 2018 Views
Maybe leave the old content as archives or something, and just have a single new MB for posting? - 06/04/2017 05:16:44 PM 2096 Views
Why don't you - 06/04/2017 08:20:23 PM 2069 Views
merge and ban anyone who disagrees *NM* - 06/04/2017 06:32:22 PM 1179 Views
The only one I might keep separate is the RPG board. - 06/04/2017 07:28:30 PM 2113 Views
Im down with keeping that board separate. - 06/04/2017 08:45:43 PM 2094 Views
Merge it all to hell. - 06/04/2017 07:57:54 PM 1999 Views
I would do 2 boards - Community and Media - 07/04/2017 02:49:25 AM 2018 Views
Agree, 2 or 3 boards is logical - 07/04/2017 03:25:15 AM 2028 Views
Very true, community topics/threads don't mix well with media topics. *NM* - 07/04/2017 03:42:55 AM 1178 Views
1 is logical. For proof click on the links for CMB2 and CMB3. It worked quite well. - 07/04/2017 07:05:26 PM 2018 Views
Were those only 1 board? I thought those were broken up into a few. *NM* - 08/04/2017 02:00:40 AM 1136 Views
Not until there became too many posts daily. - 08/04/2017 01:27:33 PM 1974 Views
In general, in life, having just '1' of anything is a bad idea - 08/04/2017 05:06:31 AM 1992 Views
Tell that to your two wives. - 08/04/2017 01:27:02 PM 1967 Views
I was thinking the same thing *NM* - 08/04/2017 02:08:38 PM 1113 Views
*NM* - 10/04/2017 01:37:26 PM 1146 Views
Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate *NM* - 07/04/2017 03:57:48 AM 1116 Views
Merge it all. - 07/04/2017 12:07:38 PM 2015 Views
One board I think would be best. *NM* - 07/04/2017 11:06:52 PM 1230 Views
One board to rule them all *NM* - 08/04/2017 12:07:30 AM 1226 Views
True magic requires a triple (clicking heels 3 times, etc.) *NM* - 08/04/2017 05:08:27 AM 1101 Views
Or the soul of an evil creature, we could sacrifice Joel *NM* - 10/04/2017 04:59:31 PM 1126 Views
It really depends on what you want this site to be a while from now - 09/04/2017 07:08:56 PM 2116 Views
Very good post on the 2 vs. 1 board question.....everyone, please read! *NM* - 10/04/2017 02:03:33 AM 1284 Views
Yeah but there were lots of discussions of WOT that led people towards the Community. - 10/04/2017 01:38:52 PM 2029 Views
And now that WoT is done? - 11/04/2017 04:43:50 AM 2108 Views
But it makes sense to me. - 11/04/2017 03:26:47 PM 2052 Views
Well, I guess we'll just have to disagree on this then - 11/04/2017 11:37:05 PM 2036 Views
I think one board and more limited topics. - 09/04/2017 10:38:38 PM 2155 Views
One RAFOlk. One Board. One Future. *NM* - 13/04/2017 05:32:37 PM 1272 Views

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