Active Users:371 Time:14/03/2025 08:52:27 AM
I do not like spiders. LiterateDog Send a noteboard - 22/03/2017 02:27:44 AM

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Per this article in The Economist, there are 25M metric tons of spiders in the world. Together they eat 400M to 800M metric tons of insects per year. That's the equivalent weight of all the human beings on the planet. That's a lot of spiders. And a hell of a lot more bugs.

I do not flee in terror, but as with most insects for me, I do not like them.

Keep eatin' those other insects tough, you nasty 8-legged bastards.

"I'll blow whomever I want, whenever I want, as long as I can still breathe and kneel."
-Samantha Jones, SatC
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For all you spider lovers out there... - 21/03/2017 03:48:58 PM 773 Views
Growing up I had a pet tarantula. - 21/03/2017 03:52:53 PM 546 Views
I like spiders too - 21/03/2017 04:04:59 PM 551 Views
Why not cut out the middle man and just have all the worlds spiders eat all the worlds humans? - 21/03/2017 04:28:30 PM 959 Views
works for me - 21/03/2017 05:40:32 PM 572 Views
I wouldn't care if they ate every single insect and also poisonous snakes... - 21/03/2017 05:42:05 PM 554 Views
well then, this is for you.... - 21/03/2017 07:49:50 PM 661 Views
Reason #6 to never go to South America. *NM* - 21/03/2017 10:49:53 PM 254 Views
Never really understood the fear of spiders. - 21/03/2017 08:41:07 PM 529 Views
I do not like spiders. - 22/03/2017 02:27:44 AM 571 Views
This being the crucial point... - 22/03/2017 02:38:38 PM 579 Views
Yeah, that's it... - 22/03/2017 04:37:59 PM 551 Views
ugh, double post *NM* - 22/03/2017 04:37:59 PM 300 Views

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