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"Cultural appropriation" is how an SJW pronounces "War on Christmas" Cannoli Send a noteboard - 17/03/2017 08:30:46 PM

Two equally ridiculous concepts, that liberals can deny with a straight face one exists, while bloviating about the pervasiveness of the other.

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I am wearing green today, but I am not Irish.

But that's still OK, right?

Can I get a ruling?

Green was a thing before Ireland was. So THEY are the ones culturally appropriating a public domain color. Decent countries use a color combination, so seeing them together can represent the country. You can't just claim "green" to be exclusively your symbol. As the Cincinnati baseball club when the DAR asked them to change their name lest they been seen as pro-communist, "We were Reds before they were."

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Cultural Appropriation! - 17/03/2017 04:01:47 PM 969 Views
I'm Mexican.... - 17/03/2017 04:03:38 PM 535 Views
Also not Catholic... *NM* - 17/03/2017 04:22:33 PM 246 Views
That's okay. - 17/03/2017 04:19:16 PM 507 Views
Not a drinker - 17/03/2017 04:23:36 PM 560 Views
Re: Not a drinker - 17/03/2017 04:37:06 PM 575 Views
I'm Heinz 57 - 17/03/2017 05:21:01 PM 541 Views
Like the catsup? - 17/03/2017 05:36:36 PM 487 Views
I sent my 4 year old to school in this shirt! - 17/03/2017 05:31:47 PM 857 Views
4 year olds... in school? - 17/03/2017 05:35:41 PM 503 Views
Does Not Exist. - 17/03/2017 05:58:39 PM 784 Views
But Niki Ashton feels compelled to pretend that it does? - 17/03/2017 06:35:57 PM 531 Views
Sure it does. Just not in the absurdly expansive way that crazy leftists claim. - 17/03/2017 06:36:48 PM 607 Views
Even that is irrelevant. - 17/03/2017 07:25:18 PM 582 Views
I think that sort of depends on the mythological "informed consumer" economists won't shut up about. *NM* - 17/03/2017 09:11:14 PM 267 Views
Not really. - 17/03/2017 11:03:19 PM 636 Views
I do not agree. - 17/03/2017 09:20:09 PM 549 Views
Does your answer change if the object is religious in origin? *NM* - 21/03/2017 06:38:00 PM 286 Views
Is the religious object patented? - 24/03/2017 04:30:13 PM 556 Views
Is today Irish day? - 17/03/2017 06:06:37 PM 541 Views
Whatever you kink is, as long as she's willing!! *NM* - 17/03/2017 06:08:25 PM 394 Views
Wear orange! Down with the papists! *NM* - 17/03/2017 06:37:42 PM 286 Views
I will recognize cultural appropriation as a legitimate complaint when... - 17/03/2017 07:23:51 PM 621 Views
You would? I wouldn't. - 17/03/2017 07:35:20 PM 652 Views
My son was wailing about the evils of the west - 17/03/2017 09:02:59 PM 578 Views
LOL! - 17/03/2017 11:01:21 PM 510 Views
I truly cannot grasp this - 18/03/2017 10:03:34 PM 897 Views
"Cultural appropriation" is how an SJW pronounces "War on Christmas" - 17/03/2017 08:30:46 PM 562 Views
Now a Tony award-winning play! - 18/03/2017 05:33:07 PM 625 Views

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