Active Users:739 Time:09/03/2025 02:21:07 AM
There is no shame in this.... Jeordam Send a noteboard - 15/03/2017 07:46:43 PM

Do not for one moment ever accept the lie that you should be ashamed or otherwise embarrassed for your feelings. While I do not know with personal experience what you are going through, I do have experience in working with military guys back from war who saw and experienced things no one should.

They often feel embarrassed for crying, because it isn't manly. Or sometimes they feel that they can't physically express what they are going through, because it would make them "less". Or they feel ashamed for not handling it the way someone else would. Well I say to the deepest, darkest pit of Hell with all that. Mourn. Grieve.


Because your wife is worthy of it. Her value to you is so phenomenally high, and you feel her loss significantly. She is worthy of your tears.

So mourn the way that you want to. Grieve the way that you want to. You can do it publicly or privately. You can be numb as you see fit, or as demonstrative as you desire. Do not fall into the belief that there is only one way (or one progression) through grief. Share what you want to share.

Do not censor yourself in regards to expressing your thoughts/feelings. We know you aren't fishing for pity or attention. You're working through your grief, and we honor you for it.


ex-Admin at wotmania (all things wot & art galleries)
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985
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I apologize to all of you for what I am about to write. - 15/03/2017 03:12:32 AM 832 Views
The only thing I can say..... - 15/03/2017 03:46:59 AM 643 Views
yes, that's true. - 15/03/2017 03:35:43 PM 626 Views
A geek's answer - 15/03/2017 05:39:33 AM 681 Views
I'm impressed. - 15/03/2017 03:23:46 PM 593 Views
All right. This might be worth you reading, then. - 15/03/2017 06:19:00 AM 654 Views
I agree with the basic concept. - 15/03/2017 03:21:42 PM 575 Views
You have no need to apologize. - 15/03/2017 10:59:02 AM 665 Views
That's an excellent suggestion. - 15/03/2017 03:17:59 PM 593 Views
You feel what you feel. And you don't need to say sorry. - 15/03/2017 12:11:22 PM 552 Views
I hate to burden others - 15/03/2017 03:16:57 PM 590 Views
You're apologizing for the wrong thing. - 15/03/2017 12:28:57 PM 713 Views
I've never had any macho issues with showing my feelings - 15/03/2017 03:14:54 PM 602 Views
<3 - 15/03/2017 06:07:56 PM 512 Views
*hugs* *NM* - 15/03/2017 01:59:03 PM 288 Views
*hugs back. hard* *NM* - 15/03/2017 03:10:42 PM 280 Views
We are here for you. *NM* - 15/03/2017 02:18:04 PM 390 Views
Hell, don't apologize to us. And run with the pain, not from it. - 15/03/2017 02:46:26 PM 582 Views
I can't imagine what it would be like to have your child murdered. - 15/03/2017 03:10:00 PM 570 Views
**manhugs with loving back pats** *NM* - 15/03/2017 03:20:37 PM 313 Views
I'm Italian-American. Italian men hug. *NM* - 16/03/2017 01:34:29 AM 300 Views
I'm glad you can share with us and maybe, just maybe, get some comfort from us. - 15/03/2017 05:27:33 PM 554 Views
It's more than just maybe - 15/03/2017 06:13:13 PM 587 Views
There is bleeding all over the internet and there is true sharing that touches everyone who reads it - 15/03/2017 06:52:25 PM 574 Views
That's a good point and one I think of constantly. - 16/03/2017 12:21:49 AM 629 Views
There is no shame in this.... - 15/03/2017 07:46:43 PM 692 Views
Thanks, Jeo - 16/03/2017 12:26:29 AM 635 Views
Like the others said... - 15/03/2017 08:22:14 PM 612 Views
me too - 16/03/2017 12:22:52 AM 519 Views
A deep cut to your heart... - 15/03/2017 09:16:40 PM 632 Views
Re: A deep cut to your heart... - 16/03/2017 12:27:52 AM 595 Views
Oh Mook, Thank you for sharing. - 16/03/2017 05:03:21 PM 688 Views
No apology needed... - 19/03/2017 03:15:01 PM 578 Views

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