...but I'll try one more.
Enabling the transgender person to reconcile their self-identification the way they want doesn't kill them.
Biopolar-ness in and of itself doesn't kill them. Depression doesn't in and of itself kill them. OCD tendencies do not (tyipcally) in and of themselves kill them. And the treatment for these conditions doesn't kill them....
Yet we help them all the same.
Why on this one topic, do we enable them to live out a reality that doesn't exist? And beyond that, they can "reconcile" their self-identification all they want....they still aren't that other gender. Jenner is still a man. Cher's child is still a woman. All the cosmetic surgery and hormonal work...all the re-issued government ID's...all of the "self-identification" they want to pursue....they are still their original gender.
That hasn't changed.
We don't force people with bipolar/depression/OCD to be treated (with one important exception that will be my follow-up point). If someone chooses to live with their bipolar/depression/OCD, they can. The fact that they are in therapy means they no longer want to, and that is why mental health professionals help them stop.
The important exception is when they are deemed to be a threat to themselves or others. Someone with depression who is suicidal or homicidal is treated so they don't harm anyone. Someone with OCD who just washes their hands all the time and keeps their house super clean would be left alone if that's what they wanted. In the case you brought up earlier, the OCD manifested itself in his belief that he had to set fire to things to get them clean (if I understood correctly), which could cause physical harm to him or others. Someone who is anorexic or bulimic is causing self-harm and will ultimately die as a result.
In the case of transsexual or transgender individuals, they are allowed the same autonomy to choose treatment or not, because they aren't in danger of harming themselves or anyone else whether they stay in the body they were born in or not.
"The trophy problem has become extreme."