Before modification by LiterateDog at 09/03/2017 12:34:51 PM
Of course I do, dummy. It's my post.
I already said I did!
Team Mystic (chosen because they're blue!)
Level 35
I mostly play with my husband and while commuting. We will go out hunting together and gently compete on who has what!
Finding Pokemonseseses. I am a completist and want to finish my Pokedex. I have a completed North American pokedex for Gen 1 and am working on Gen 2. My Pokedex is at 219 and I need more!
Find some way to stop the cheaters without hurting the game. Niantic has made their game very buggy in trying to stop maps which doesn't hurt like cheaters, but as done very little to stop the rampant cheating among those who are spoofing. We hateses the spoofers!
My "best" Pokemon is a 3394 98% Dragonite with a good move set. I'd say Dragonite is my favorite because he's strong and because he is wicked cute.
I most want a few of the Gen 2 'mons that I don't have yet. Any will do.
I've spent way more money than I should have. I spend it almost exclusively on incubators to hatch eggs. I'm lucky to have many many pokestops near my house and work and on my commute, so I don't need to buy other things.