On a few things.....
1) I didn't bring up my faith...you did.
2) You made the assumption that my position is "dogmatic" (which normally, I would take as offensive. However, I know you well enough by now that I doubt that was your intent).
3) You made a pretty big call that gender reassignment surgery and Christianity is not an either/or deal. That's a pretty bold statement...
4) That I think this topic is undertaken as a "whim". I never said that...nor even implied.
You have the stance that undergoing that gender reassignment "doesn't do them or others any harm." I would challenge that statement. I can point to all sorts of harm to both them and others. The question then comes about as to where does the harm to both them and others balance their own (already admitted by you) mental health issue.
So this is mildly tangential, but I'll tell you a personal story. I have a good friend who has a phobia which is coupled with OCD. Besides his doctor and family, I'm the only other person who knows about it. I've spoken with his family about it. I've even spoken with his doctor about it. And you know what the doctor said....no matter what. Do not play into his issue. Do not play along. All it will do is cement into his mind that his way of thinking is the proper way of thinking. His mental issue is based upon a lie...it's overshadowing his perception on a reality that does not exist . His feelings on the topic are in error. It is this mental linkage that has to be addressed. Believe me, it would be far easier to play along...to give into it and live the lie that he has superimposed over reality.
Now with that all fresh in your mind, I look at the transgender topic (and even though you discounted it before, transracial topic), and I am trying to justify the two places. We play along. We don't play along. We do not interfere. We do interfere.
You mentioned that we do interfere with individuals with anorexia...because of the harm they do themselves. Would you not consider surgery/hormone treatments just as harmful?
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985