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Source? *NM* random thoughts Send a noteboard - 06/03/2017 06:02:21 PM

View original postSpecifically, the unnamed source told the Guardian there was a FISA warrant to check a SERVER in PHILADELPHIA for illegal ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS to CAMPAIGN STAFFERS from Russian officials. Stop me if you hav heard this (say, maybe in a Chinese temple? ) but it is illegal for foreign nationals or governments to donate US campaign funds. Seeking evidence for or against that neither requires nor used phone taps in Trump Tower, nor anywhere else. Turns out we DO have some phone taps, because we bugged the RUSSIANS' phones and Flynn kept calling to offer an end to sanctions in exchange for the election (kind of like when the Carter campaign promised Ayatollah "America Is the Great Satan" Khomeini that we would Iran-Contra him all the guns he demanded for the hostages if he just held onto them until after Carter lost. Or Nixon telling Ho Chi Minh not to make peace in '68 because it was an election year.

View original postHow the Republican Party continues getting away with wrapping itself in the US flag it defiles is beyond me.

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Trump wire tapping - 06/03/2017 02:36:15 AM 683 Views
It is an allegation, nothing more; even Trump has not offered ANY evidence - 06/03/2017 03:36:11 AM 821 Views
Ummm, try again - 06/03/2017 02:09:04 PM 646 Views
Even the lone unnamed source (i.e. The Guardians) does not corroborate Trumps claim - 06/03/2017 05:42:32 PM 801 Views
Keep trying - 06/03/2017 06:10:07 PM 517 Views
It is ONE anonymous source, who STILL never said, "phone tap," nor "Trump" - 06/03/2017 06:16:07 PM 674 Views
EVERYTHING for the last year has been anonymous sources... - 06/03/2017 09:49:27 PM 556 Views
anonymous sources are the new facts *NM* - 06/03/2017 09:59:06 PM 249 Views
It's just a baseless charge thrown out there to distract the press. - 06/03/2017 03:54:16 AM 563 Views
Yes and no - 06/03/2017 05:59:26 PM 654 Views
Philosophical question: if Trump isn't front page news, does he really exist? *NM* - 06/03/2017 06:18:19 AM 312 Views
That is when he is most real - 06/03/2017 06:03:11 PM 651 Views
Not far fetched. Obama did something similar to Merkel, did he not ? - 06/03/2017 08:34:40 AM 669 Views
It is not true until the NYT has an unnamed source *NM* - 06/03/2017 11:53:19 AM 304 Views
Actually, the whole thing is from one unnamed Guardian source (who did not say what Trump claims) - 06/03/2017 05:59:41 PM 675 Views
Source? *NM* - 06/03/2017 06:02:21 PM 234 Views
Sure; it is the one I linked in response to HyggaRott - 06/03/2017 06:08:29 PM 756 Views
So says the WP unamed source. And they call that fact checking - 06/03/2017 09:05:09 PM 577 Views
I watch too much "House of Cards".... - 06/03/2017 08:55:52 PM 600 Views

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