And my favorite thing about it is so geeky. In general, I use it as one big news feed, but I also have a few odd gems here and there. I stumbled across a Merriam Webster tweet, and now I Can't Stop clicking them.
How have your internet preferences changed since the days we spent all our time on Wotmania/Rafo? (I don't want to know if it's naughty!)
Then I soured on it because the tenor of discussions became much less about discovering things to read and much more about personal agendas that I just grew weary (even when I basically agreed with certain political views) of the infighting that I saw. So many similar opinions stated ad nauseam that I just grew so bored with it that I think I may have gone months between any comments.
A pity, as all that also helped me grow weary first of SF/F and then of discussing much of anything online. Still very sporadic in what I'll read/respond to anywhere these days.
Je suis méchant.