Active Users:510 Time:09/03/2025 01:34:28 AM
The same, but different Joel Send a noteboard - 05/03/2017 09:55:39 PM

Believe it or not, wotmania was only the second forum I joined, and the first long ago ceased to exist, so in that respect I am "more active" now that I cruise Political Wire and on a daily basis, as well as a Broncos MB whose founders invited me and others to help get it off the ground when it split off from the official team site.

I have an on again off again relationship with FB, which I only joined as a means to keep in touch with wotmaniacs, even though I have largely failed to do so since committing Attempted Grownup. It is too easy to get sucked into interminable political debates on FB (especially since people in the first political discussion group I joined added me to a few others, where still more people keep adding me to more, and I do not have the heart to bail on them: I can just stop going to FB altogether! ) That is a problem, because I find FB a PAIN IN THE ASS to navigate; "obsolete" wotmania and RAFO are light years beyond it there.

Also, FB does not allow pseudonyms, something I was reminded of when some unknown person took offense at one political comment or another and decided to report my "violation," which I only discovered when my account was locked and, when I emailed FB about it, they told me they would only reactivate it if I sent them a scanned copy of a government photo ID, after which they would PERMANENTLY disable my ability to change names without their prior authorization. The policy IS clearly stated in their ToS agreement, but actually reading that section is a bit creepy: It is not to ensure accountability and the inability to hide behind anonymity while trolling or even committing crimes, but due to FBs "mission statement" of enabling anyone and everyone to reach out and touch anyone and everyone they have ever met, a "benefit" pseudonyms prevent. So rest assured: Just because filing for a restraining order and moving to another country had kept your physically abusive ex away from you for decades, s/he can ALWAYS find you with the Book of Many Faces.

As to Twitter... yeah... right....

Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
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I refused Twitter for years. Now I love it. - 04/03/2017 06:07:09 PM 978 Views
Facebook destroyed my soul. - 04/03/2017 06:43:16 PM 667 Views
I haven't given in to that darkness yet..... - 04/03/2017 08:49:25 PM 848 Views
I am standing still, i guess - 04/03/2017 09:20:37 PM 647 Views
The same, but different - 05/03/2017 09:55:39 PM 663 Views
I used to use Twitter a lot from 2010-2015 to keep abreast of SF/F discussions/books - 05/03/2017 10:19:57 PM 675 Views
This is a familiar feeling. *NM* - 06/03/2017 09:11:54 PM 430 Views
Never have used Twitter and probably never will. - 06/03/2017 01:58:03 AM 610 Views
For as much attention as it gets it is not really that popular - 06/03/2017 11:55:41 AM 545 Views
Twitter is great - 08/03/2017 06:09:32 PM 821 Views

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