Active Users:1987 Time:05/02/2025 09:25:41 PM
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Before modification by Joel at 23/02/2017 08:36:27 PM

View original post1. What name is given to a female swan?

View original post2. In the TV series, for which organisation does Captain Scarlett work?

Jesse Jacksons Rainbow Coalition
View original post3. According to mythology, how did Icarus die?

View original post4. Which World War Two inventor was responsible for the Bouncing Bomb?

Neither; Tojo and Hitler invented the war, but the British invented the bouncing bomb.
View original post5. On the Apollo 11 mission which of the three astronauts did not walk on the moon?

Not-Neil Armstrong-nor-Buzz-Aldrin ("second comes right after first!"
View original post6. Barbie's boyfriend was named Ken, but what was Sindy's boyfriend called?

Anatomically Correct Andy
View original post7. What is the capital of Romania?

The leu (I confess googling that one because I did not know.)
View original post8. After how many years of marriage is an emerald anniversary celebrated?

However many it takes to pay off the diamond engagement ring.
View original post9. What is supposed to rise from it's own ashes every 500 years?

Female silence, but I am fairly certain that is just an old wives tale.
View original post10. In Venice what colour are the gondolas painted?

View original post11. In which year did Queen Victoria first come to the throne?

Year that her father died,
Year of the pilgrims pride,
From every mountainside,
Let Queendom ring.
View original post12. At what temperature does water boil on the Fahrenheit scale?

Just in case anyone remained unclear the quiz was not written by an American?
View original post13. In the biblical story how many loaves did Jesus use to feed the five thousand?

View original post14. In opera what is the highest pitched female voice?

View original post15. Which two colours feature on the Greek flag?

Ourange and pourple
View original post16. What type of foodstuff is Monterey Jack?

The same kind as all my other responses.
View original post17. Prior to decimalisation how much was a Florin worth?

4.18 dr/s². Also, if space is "the final frontier" how come literally NO ONE uses metric time?
View original post18. In which fictional prison was TV's Porridge set?

Walt Disney Presents Breakfast
View original post19. Which tropic is south of the equator?

The southern one
View original post20. In which TV soap opera did Holly Valance first find fame?

As the Stomach Turns

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