Active Users:784 Time:11/03/2025 06:57:53 PM
yes but unfortunately your ballot was spoilt snoopcester Send a noteboard - 16/02/2017 07:26:45 PM

No write ins allowed, you have to vote for Snoop or Mr Snoop.

Sheesh, I don't know why so many people don't manage to get it right. Thankfully Tigr doesn't mess up or there would be no valid votes.


Robert Graves "There is no money in poetry, but then there is no poetry in money, either."

Henning Mankell "We must defend the open society, because if we start locking our doors, if we let fear decide, the person who committed the act of terror will win"
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Messageboard tour! - 16/02/2017 02:05:46 PM 827 Views
LOL - 16/02/2017 02:43:46 PM 590 Views
Hmm. - 16/02/2017 02:58:16 PM 641 Views
Brilliant! - 16/02/2017 03:02:25 PM 571 Views
Exactly - 16/02/2017 03:13:33 PM 711 Views
Yep. That's definitely what everyone will remember the 2 of you for. - 16/02/2017 05:17:32 PM 558 Views
Is that an old joke? - 16/02/2017 05:22:24 PM 599 Views
I know she can't have meant us - 16/02/2017 05:44:42 PM 596 Views
She be crazy. - 16/02/2017 06:46:23 PM 548 Views
I voted! - 16/02/2017 06:48:54 PM 591 Views
yes but unfortunately your ballot was spoilt - 16/02/2017 07:26:45 PM 650 Views
Shame, that. - 16/02/2017 08:26:10 PM 560 Views
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee! - 16/02/2017 05:16:09 PM 640 Views
*nags* *NM* - 16/02/2017 07:46:39 PM 237 Views
*noobiemcnoobnoobs* - 16/02/2017 07:48:50 PM 582 Views
It really is - 16/02/2017 08:26:58 PM 561 Views
I haven't laughed that hard in ages. - 16/02/2017 08:29:58 PM 553 Views
*NM* - 16/02/2017 08:32:52 PM 222 Views
I feel embarrassed for you - 16/02/2017 08:49:32 PM 583 Views
Thank you - 17/02/2017 12:59:46 AM 597 Views
- 17/02/2017 10:41:48 AM 575 Views
Some things never change, same as some people - 17/02/2017 12:16:18 PM 593 Views
Try not to anyway - 17/02/2017 01:21:32 PM 650 Views
Let's go on a journey. *NM* - 23/02/2017 05:26:58 PM 271 Views

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