and was immediately hooked. The first four books were released less than a year apart. Between 4 and 5 and 6 were one year apart. But from Lord of Chaos to Crown of Swords was 18 months. Path of Daggers was 30 months later, in October of 1998. After that, 3 years was a short wait. The interminable waiting pushed me to searching the interwebs for a WOT fix. Earlier that year, 1998, I had discovered Pam Korda's original WOT FAQ website and spent many happy days reading every bit of it. She had a section of links for sites that were friends of The FAQ. Since they were in alphabetical order, the last one was I clicked on that first.
I lurked for a year, from the spring of 1998 until around May of 1999 before I made my first post. The MB back then was WOT stuff only. The quickest way to get flamed was by posting something else without putting OFF-TOPIC in the subject. But flaming was a way of life which was why I loved the site so much. First class theory writers like jorge, Nebby, Bel’azamon and Your.Master would flame each other and everyone flamed Wellington. Deservedly so.
The board grew and changed. People came and went. Most I remember fondly. Some are still friends.
But as Mr. Robert Zimmerman once wrote,
Take care of all your memories … for you cannot relive them.
"Bustin' makes me feel good!"
Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.