I was a relative latecomer to wotmania, only joining in mid-2007 and not becoming an active poster until October of that year and taking a further two or three months to venture outside the WOT board. Still, I had some wonderful times there - especially in the Chat and on the Community and RPG boards. I was a steadfast convert to RAFO and had some great times here too, but like many I drifted away over time.
While I never met any wotmaniacs (discounting my brother and one of my friends from school, neither of whom made more than a handful of posts) for a time I toyed with the idea of going to university in Edinburgh because I knew there was a cluster of folks from here living in the area. That didn't pan out for multiple reasons but I still intend on heading over some day and endeavour to meet some of the community that still reside there.
OCWIATJ Forever!