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Elevator Safety aerocontrols Send a noteboard - 08/12/2016 05:31:57 AM

We have a 'safety culture' at my place of employment. While the government agency I work for engages in some very dangerous activities, many employees (including everyone I regularly work with) do not. I think they take 'safety culture' too far.

My group is strictly office folks. We don't participate in any of the dangerous work that my agency does. We drive to work, sit in our cubicles on on computers, go to meetings, and are forbidden to do crazy things like move our computers or anything 'heavy'. They even took most of the building fire extinguishers away. We're supposed to run from any fires.

We are required to have one safety topic presented to us every month. Last month it was about Zika, which was informative. And relevant, since one of our scientists helped the CDC out with some of their research on how it spreads. Usually the safety topic is less useful, and not at all relevant to our work. Cold weather safety, warm weather safety, outdoor cooking safety, water electrocution danger, etc. Nothing to do with the tasks we perform at work.

This brings me to my subject. A few weeks ago our safety office posted a flyer in all the elevators on elevator 'safety'. Most of the content was elevator 'courtesy'. You know... let people off before trying to get on, let people standing behind you out if they need out. The sort of stuff that everyone who's not a complete Elaida knows already, and the sorts that don't already do this are so self-centered that they're not going to change their ways just because of a flyer.

Just want to let you all know that the US government trusts us at NASA to design 6 million pound thrust launch vehicles that won't accidentally skip down to Miami and evaporate a few high rises but our bosses don't believe we can safely operate a modern elevator without a page full of instructions, warnings, and best practices.

Be safe out there. Did you know that if the elevator stops between floors, there is plenty of air in it and you won't suffocate?

Hollywood has the best moral compass, because it has compassion.
This message last edited by aerocontrols on 08/12/2016 at 05:33:49 AM
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Elevator Safety - 08/12/2016 05:31:57 AM 846 Views
That's awesome... - 08/12/2016 09:12:29 PM 444 Views
The extinguisher thing was a budget issue *NM* - 09/12/2016 10:24:53 PM 191 Views
Even worse! *NM* - 12/12/2016 06:45:48 PM 217 Views
but you get to work at NASA - 09/12/2016 08:29:48 PM 771 Views
This MB is still about wot, right? - 09/12/2016 10:24:11 PM 495 Views
It has been so long since I read any of them I can hardly remember them - 13/12/2016 08:56:45 PM 560 Views

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