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insanity of the bank bail outs is the reason we have Trump today random thoughts Send a noteboard - 05/07/2016 10:07:43 PM

People are angry that the banks were bailed out but they were not. The fact that most them didn't need a bailout and would have suffered much worse if the banks had been allowed to collapse is irrelevant. To many people feel empowered because they read blogs on the internet that agrees with their view point which makes them feel informed but only deepens their ignorance. Trump and to a large degree Bernie Sanders have been playing into this.

Tell people what the want to hear and they become convinced you are must be smart. Point that what they want is either unalterable and counterproductive and they just call you a puppet to the mainstream media and go back to reading Facebook memes and watching documentaries.

History will remember saving the banks as an d helping to control the spread of AIDS in Africa as Bush's greatest accomplishment in office but his own party is eating itself because they are angry about the bailout and want to stop foreign aid because we need to spend more money vets (I know the two have nothing to with each other but of course I am a just a puppet of the media). Bernie made a solid run at Hillary promising a generation buried in college debt free college but no where did he suggest we should limit how much colleges can spend and charge he was just going to right them a blank check. Pats on the head and sweet nothings shouted from a podium have replaced real ideas and viable plans for the future. Look at Brexit and the mad man the Philippines elected. Make me question democracy as valid form of government.

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"How Republicans blew their chance to attack Clinton over Benghazi" - 29/06/2016 07:10:36 PM 824 Views
This crap always makes me laugh. - 29/06/2016 09:47:27 PM 426 Views
Re: This crap always makes me laugh. - 29/06/2016 11:33:57 PM 313 Views
Re: This crap always makes me laugh. - 01/07/2016 08:09:18 PM 377 Views
you're gonna have to find a non-propaganda version of your argument - 05/07/2016 09:17:44 PM 373 Views
"Propaganda" - 05/07/2016 11:30:47 PM 360 Views
Your speaking privileged have been revoked. - 30/06/2016 11:28:51 AM 330 Views
Typical liberal BS; when losing an argument on one topic, swap to another and claim to be right. *NM* - 01/07/2016 04:30:45 PM 177 Views
No it has nothing to do with liberal bs - 01/07/2016 05:24:42 PM 360 Views
Ok, I was wrong. - 01/07/2016 07:49:18 PM 357 Views
I 100% agree and I agree with your other points. - 01/07/2016 08:01:05 PM 365 Views
For the record... - 01/07/2016 08:15:20 PM 312 Views
Nods in agreement *NM* - 01/07/2016 08:22:31 PM 213 Views
The bank bailouts, honestly, were the only sane / responsible thing to do. - 03/07/2016 05:01:28 PM 358 Views
insanity of the bank bail outs is the reason we have Trump today - 05/07/2016 10:07:43 PM 370 Views
far left journalist writes facrt free op ed YAWN - 30/06/2016 12:15:10 AM 269 Views
More moondog illiteracy... - 30/06/2016 02:13:03 AM 357 Views
ah, republicans good, dems bad -- as usual - 30/06/2016 09:38:28 PM 280 Views
Oh the irony *NM* - 01/07/2016 07:39:31 PM 139 Views

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