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Oh the irony *NM* random thoughts Send a noteboard - 01/07/2016 07:39:31 PM

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View original posti'd like to thank the House GOP for wasting two years and at least $7 million in taxpayer money to basically determine that Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong and that we've already learned the important lessons about how to protect our overseas diplomats. good job, guys!

View original postFirst of all, the article basically points out that the report DOES support attacks on Clinton:

View original postThe document cites an August 2011 memo in which Jake Sullivan, Clinton’s then-deputy chief of staff, said she has had “leadership/ownership/stewardship of this country’s Libya policy from start to finish.”

View original postClinton “has been a critical voice on Libya in administration deliberations, at NATO, and in contact group meetings—as well as the public face of the U.S. effort in Libya,” Sullivan bragged. “She was instrumental in securing the authorization, building the coalition, and tightening the noose around [Muammar] Gadhafi and his regime.”

View original postwhether or not Hillary was in control of the operations -- i'm pretty sure there are more important lessons to be learned than "did Hillary lead the Libya campaign from start to finish?" considering how many diplomats were lost during the GWB years WITHOUT a Congressional hearing, why did this particular loss of life demand SEVEN?

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And, of course, to go with your typically illiteracy in linking to articles that do not remotely state what you claim they do, we have the hypocrisy of your complaints about $7 million. How much did the Democrats spend on Iran-Contra, or the Valerie Plame bullshit? $7 million is negligible on the scale of nonsense on which the government spends money, and you're an enthusiastic proponent of most of the sort of garbage they do spend it on.

View original postrepublicans are always claiming that Social Security, welfare, and other social programs are a waste of taxpayer money. but for some reason creating a redundant committee to re-investigate a "scandal" that had already been settled SEVEN TIMES is not a waste when the target is anyone named Clinton. just as holding 50+ votes to repeal Obamacare is also apparently not a waste of taxpayer money, even though everyone agrees they are all wasting their time holding the vote to begin with.

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And finally, typical left-wing strawman arguments. The point of the hearings was to investigate the incident, not to determine Hillary Clinton's character. If it HAD been an investigation of Clinton, and turned up nothing, that would STILL not make it a waste, because it would have clarified and firmly established her innocence. But it was an investigation of the entire incident, and did NOT produce the conclusion you claim. And it did turn up the e-mail thing ( "the probe exposed Clinton’s use as Secretary of State of a private server for her email..." ), which a blatantly partisan Democratic party and 90%-democrat-voting media has chosen to downplay and ignore.

View original postRemember back when the attack actually happened, and you guys were all complaining that the GOP was making a stink about nothing just to smear Obama? Now you claim that the whole point of the Benghazi scandal was to smear Hillary. Make up your mind what imaginary agendas you are going to attribute to your targets.

View original postso what have we learned, mr. I-know-everything-and-anything-about-all-things? was it that we learned the CIA mis-handled the talking points about the attack, in addition to the evidence? was it that security concerns were woefully under-funded and understaffed by the republican-controlled House? was it that that particular location was a terrible place to put a diplomatic outpost? all of these things were learned by the other SEVEN COMMITTEES that heard the evidence. most thinking people agree that, after one committee to investigate the attack and the House Intelligence Committee review of the data, there was literally nothing else to learn about Benghazi.

View original postso why did we need Trey Gowdy to start another committee, specifically to lecture Hillary about her email server? at what point during the last TWO YEARS did anything new come out about the specific attack that wasn't already covered by the other SEVEN COMMITTEES? keeping in mind that all SEVEN of those committees could find nothing criminal in anyone's actions inside the US government whatsoever? the whole "scandal" was just part of some elaborate republican fundraising ploy ( designed to make money off the death of innocent people. but then, making money off the death of innocent people seems to be one of the few things republicans actually stand for these days....

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"How Republicans blew their chance to attack Clinton over Benghazi" - 29/06/2016 07:10:36 PM 764 Views
This crap always makes me laugh. - 29/06/2016 09:47:27 PM 403 Views
Re: This crap always makes me laugh. - 29/06/2016 11:33:57 PM 289 Views
Re: This crap always makes me laugh. - 01/07/2016 08:09:18 PM 355 Views
you're gonna have to find a non-propaganda version of your argument - 05/07/2016 09:17:44 PM 346 Views
"Propaganda" - 05/07/2016 11:30:47 PM 338 Views
Your speaking privileged have been revoked. - 30/06/2016 11:28:51 AM 308 Views
Typical liberal BS; when losing an argument on one topic, swap to another and claim to be right. *NM* - 01/07/2016 04:30:45 PM 169 Views
No it has nothing to do with liberal bs - 01/07/2016 05:24:42 PM 337 Views
Ok, I was wrong. - 01/07/2016 07:49:18 PM 336 Views
I 100% agree and I agree with your other points. - 01/07/2016 08:01:05 PM 340 Views
For the record... - 01/07/2016 08:15:20 PM 291 Views
Nods in agreement *NM* - 01/07/2016 08:22:31 PM 201 Views
far left journalist writes facrt free op ed YAWN - 30/06/2016 12:15:10 AM 247 Views
More moondog illiteracy... - 30/06/2016 02:13:03 AM 337 Views
ah, republicans good, dems bad -- as usual - 30/06/2016 09:38:28 PM 257 Views
Oh the irony *NM* - 01/07/2016 07:39:31 PM 128 Views

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