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"Jaywalkers have no business criticizing mass murderers" -- as usual Cannoli Send a noteboard - 01/07/2016 12:20:26 AM

republicans are always claiming that Social Security, welfare, and other social programs are a waste of taxpayer money.

Because $2.3 trillion of a of $3.8 trillion budget is a LITTLE MORE than $7 million.
Republicans complain about spending this:
$1,275,000 M
$1,052,000 M

moondog says you're hypocrites because you spent this:
$7 M

so what have we learned, mr. I-know-everything-and-anything-about-all-things?

I know more than you about basic, obvious stuff. I'm not tooting my horn, I am repeatedly paying you the compliment of expecting you to possess basic literacy and a minimal knowledge of the history of the issues you bring up. Failing that, I'd love it if you actually knew what was in the articles you link.
was it that we learned the CIA mis-handled the talking points about the attack, in addition to the evidence? was it that security concerns were woefully under-funded and understaffed by the republican-controlled House? was it that that particular location was a terrible place to put a diplomatic outpost? all of these things were learned by the other SEVEN COMMITTEES that heard the evidence. most thinking people agree that, after one committee to investigate the attack and the House Intelligence Committee review of the data, there was literally nothing else to learn about Benghazi.
And you people keep trying to sweep it under the rug! We knew all this stuff about Hilary's dismal performance as SecState, in addition to her history of rampant criminality, but your fellow travelers made her the nominee for President anyway. Plainly the message is not getting out there.
so why did we need Trey Gowdy to start another committee, specifically to lecture Hillary about her email server?

So we can keep you people from flushing it down the memory hole as long as a Democrat who will pardon her is in the Oval Office.
at what point during the last TWO YEARS did anything new come out about the specific attack that wasn't already covered by the other SEVEN COMMITTEES? keeping in mind that all SEVEN of those committees could find nothing criminal in anyone's actions inside the US government whatsoever? the whole "scandal" was just part of some elaborate republican fundraising ploy ( designed to make money off the death of innocent people. but then, making money off the death of innocent people seems to be one of the few things republicans actually stand for these days....

So when the administration causes innocent people to die, we're not supposed to talk about it? Every time I think you've hit a nadir of idiocy, you pull another piece of steaming hypocrisy and double-standards out of your ass. The deaths of all those innocent people in Iraq didn't stop Democrats from raising money and using it as a club to beat the administration. The murder of a bunch of club-goers by Muslim terrorists is currently being used by Democrats to raise money and advance their agenda for gun control! As ever, the Democrats attempt to hide behind human shields and victims whom they claim are the real targets of Republican attacks. Republicans complain about Democratic actions that lead to crime or abuse of social services, and Democrats point out that the perpetrators in such cases are black, therefore their policies are above criticism, or else racism. People cut commercials for Democratic candidates, choosing to involve themselves in the political process, often for considerable remuneration, and the Republican response is slammed as if they kicked down the door of innocent hermits and shone a spotlight on their private flaws.

And, of course, it wouldn't be a moondog post without a link that argued against his point. The very URL says that they TOOK DOWN the website when it was brought to their attention! The only way you can criticize their having the site up in the first place is if you operate on the assumption that anything the GOP does automatically has a sinister motive completely different from what they claim!

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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"How Republicans blew their chance to attack Clinton over Benghazi" - 29/06/2016 07:10:36 PM 824 Views
This crap always makes me laugh. - 29/06/2016 09:47:27 PM 426 Views
Re: This crap always makes me laugh. - 29/06/2016 11:33:57 PM 313 Views
Re: This crap always makes me laugh. - 01/07/2016 08:09:18 PM 377 Views
you're gonna have to find a non-propaganda version of your argument - 05/07/2016 09:17:44 PM 373 Views
"Propaganda" - 05/07/2016 11:30:47 PM 360 Views
Your speaking privileged have been revoked. - 30/06/2016 11:28:51 AM 330 Views
Typical liberal BS; when losing an argument on one topic, swap to another and claim to be right. *NM* - 01/07/2016 04:30:45 PM 177 Views
No it has nothing to do with liberal bs - 01/07/2016 05:24:42 PM 360 Views
Ok, I was wrong. - 01/07/2016 07:49:18 PM 357 Views
I 100% agree and I agree with your other points. - 01/07/2016 08:01:05 PM 365 Views
For the record... - 01/07/2016 08:15:20 PM 312 Views
Nods in agreement *NM* - 01/07/2016 08:22:31 PM 213 Views
far left journalist writes facrt free op ed YAWN - 30/06/2016 12:15:10 AM 269 Views
More moondog illiteracy... - 30/06/2016 02:13:03 AM 357 Views
ah, republicans good, dems bad -- as usual - 30/06/2016 09:38:28 PM 280 Views
"Jaywalkers have no business criticizing mass murderers" -- as usual - 01/07/2016 12:20:26 AM 345 Views
Oh the irony *NM* - 01/07/2016 07:39:31 PM 139 Views

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