You sound like a die-hard conservative, which as far as I'm aware you've never been, exulting in the first real conservative candidate that supposedly has been nominated since decades - except that the man in question is, firstly, remarkably liberal on many social issues, secondly, openly professing his lack of interest in anything but himself, and thirdly, not merely anti-elitist but going out of his way to dumb down everything he says.
The first part, I can understand why you personally like that, but then don't give us that nonsense about what "we", the Republican voters, have been longing for. The other two, as I said, have me completely stumped. How can you look down on all these writers of fantasy for peddling popular, not very ambitious literature, and then vehemently defend a man who makes Stephenie Meyer look like Nabokov as the best choice for president of the United States?
That the world will not end with him as president, sure, no doubt State will do its best to keep the fallout under control. But to suggest he wouldn't negatively impact American interests with his puerile behaviour is absurd - unless, as I mentioned, you're banking on him becoming an adult once he's elected. Doesn't stop it from being profoundly scary how popular his current shtick makes him.