Active Users:420 Time:08/09/2024 12:27:28 AM
I'm glad you and your family are OK, man beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 07/03/2016 02:46:24 AM

Message boards are weird because one minute I can be laughing at your thoughts on Animorphs and Egwene, and the next minute restraining myself from arguing about the political drama of the day, but at the end of the day you're a fellow member of this weird little forum that refuses to completely die.

So... yeah. Glad you're OK.

I amuse myself.
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You find what's important pretty fast when your material possessions all fit in a duffle bag. - 01/03/2016 05:41:21 AM 1135 Views
Do they know what caused it? - 01/03/2016 08:55:00 PM 688 Views
Electrical something or other - 02/03/2016 12:10:52 PM 718 Views
What a horrible thing to happen. - 01/03/2016 09:13:21 PM 997 Views
That sucks. Glad to hear everyone is OK *NM* - 02/03/2016 04:14:00 PM 411 Views
Glad you and yours are unharmed. - 02/03/2016 09:12:15 PM 672 Views
I'm glad you and your family are OK, man - 07/03/2016 02:46:24 AM 733 Views

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