Active Users:1041 Time:23/02/2025 03:34:36 PM
That's a crock. - Edit 1

Before modification by Cannoli at 03/03/2016 11:31:38 PM

Remember there is 19 million US citizens who were not born in this country but immigrated and were legal residents when they immigrated followed by then becoming legal citizens with voting rights.
And none of them vote Republican anyway.
Donald Trump is toxic for when someone talks shit about your Mom or your Papa and they do not deserve it part of you emotionally reacts to those insults. We have 20 million people who are A) Adults with voting power right now, and they were born in the United States as US Citizens B) But these same adults who were born in the United States have 1 or both of their parents who were not born in the US. Aka their parents were 1st generation immigrants and we would now call their children 2nd generation immigrants even though they lived in the US all of their life and are US citizens through and through.
So what? Mitt Romney got more of the Hispanic vote than anyone thought he could, and it did him no good. A small increase in the percentage of the white vote would have won the election, but he'd have needed a massive increase in his Hispanic vote to reach the same gains.

And the rapist thing is pretty much true. You want "rape culture"? Look everywhere outside Western Europe & the Anglosphere. There is a massive problem with rape and child molestation among Hispanic and Asian immigrants, and it's under reported, because the people won't go to the cops. Mothers of victims and wives/girlfriends of perpetrators cover it up. Cops find out about pregnant 13 year olds, and can't do anything, because the family thinks it's a blessing. Indians are using those technical visas that are supposed to boost our economy by bringing in skilled workers, to import all the delightful aspects of Indian sexual mores, such as concubines and child brides. Muslims commit honor rapes and honor killings, and they go unreported culturally, only added to domestic violence stats to bolster liberal arguments.

If you don't want to be called rapists, then convert to the culture that holds rape to be an offense against the person, rather than her clan.

Even if these people have lived in the US for 18, 20, 30, 50, 70 years, if someone talks shit about your mom or dad who decided to come to the US for a better life...
If your mom and dad aren't rapists, why are they upset? Why do they identify with the rapists? Why are Catholics supposed to own the guilt of the priest scandal, despite it being a violation of the rules 99% of all Catholics believe and follow (hell, the Church made pederasty a crime in the first place! We certainly didn't get that meme from Greco-Roman secular traditions), but we can't condemn a culture that actually partially condones rape?
if they talk shit about your love ones and call words that imply they are less than human

Just because people who will do anything to denigrate the speaker claim that words imply something does not mean they actually do. Trump never said Mexicans are less than human, you're claiming the right to define his words. Again, liberals have all sorts of different rules for themselves. They get to say what they mean, and condemn anyone else for "mansplaining" but they also reserve the right to decide what meanings other people have when they disagree with their policies.
...then you are not going to like, trust, or stand that politicians. Worse Donald Trump is using inclusive words saying ALL immigrants are like this instead of SOME immigrants are like this. Those small difference in language are actually almost always noticed by most people and it modifies two things 1) How they react to the person, and 2) How they react to what they are saying, so next time when someone says something similar but is not racist it poisons the non racist message due to an unconscious association.
Who gives a shit? Trying to win the Mexican vote is a waste of time for Republicans, unless they are actually Democrats who got crowded out of the party.
So in other words we have 40 million voters who are either 1st or 2nd generation immigrants and are legal so you better pick your words very carefully when you are talking about immigration for immigration is not the same thing as illegal immigration.

Legal immigration is a problem too. We're getting swamped by the sort of people whose culture made their own homelands violent or impoverished hellholes. The immigrants who are here now should understand that too. Otherwise, fuck 'em. Did we refrain from criticizing communism during the Cold War out of respect to the sensitivities of of immigrants and refugees from behind the Iron Curtain? Hell, no! We expected them to be on our side! If the Mexicans, for example, are still loyal to Mexico, they are here as parasites. They soiled their own nest, and rather than get a fresh start, they want to come here, not change anything, and leech off the prosperity built by a different culture, with different values.

This is something liberals had no trouble understanding when they scoffed at the idea of Bush transforming Iraq & Afghanistan into a Jeffersonian democracy. All of a sudden, they remembered that political systems are cultural, and that we cannot just convert a population wholesale to another political system.

125 million adults voted for either Obama or Romney in 2012, so even a small change of turnout or one side to the other can make huge differences, for a swing of 5% of 40 million is an additional 2 million vote.
A we supposed to be impressed by the size of that drop, when you already pointed out how big the bucket is?

Romney only lost by 5 million votes, so a change of roughly 7% of the 1st and 2nd generation immigrants would have have romney winning the election by a 2 million margin (3.5 million removed from Obama, 3.5 million added to Romney)
But what would he have had to do to get those votes? How many native white votes would it have cost him? Romney got much better support from Hispanics than McCain, despite a much stronger stance on immigration.
And this is why Donald Trump is going to destroy the republican party. Not the republican establishment, but the entire republican party. He is going to cause a generational shift where some people just can't trust the republicans anymore.
There are already people who don't trust them. We're sick of the Republican establishment, who have been pulling the same bullshit for more than sixty years. They wouldn't let us have Goldwater or Taft, they tried to stop even nominal conservatives like Bush 2 or Reagan. They didn't take heed that when they betrayed Goldwater, Nixon and Reagan, who supported him, were the next to Republicans to win an election, while the Rockefellers and their ilk who took their ball and went home, are largely forgotten. For years they have been crying wolf, claiming that every candidate who is not a toady of the GOP establishment is a crazy nut or lunatic...and now the wolf is here. Now they have an ACTUAL crazy nut, and no one gives a shit about their complaints anymore.
It is like a reverse version of the political science book Whats the Matter with Kansas, a guy who was asking why does Kansas vote republican even though most people would do better under Democratic policies and ideals). In the book the author argues it is culture which defines people's voting and while democratic economic policies may benefit Kansas (and these left wing populist / progressive / agrarian politicans were huge in Kansas prior to 1950s)

And what did that do? That's an incredibly arrogant stance, to tell people how they should vote, because you know better than they what is good for you. And again, it's one that only liberals could get away with! How about, gays should all be voting Republican. They tend to have higher incomes, so they should support lower taxes. They fear being victims of violence, so they should be in favor of tough crime policies. They are more despised by blacks & muslims, so it's not like the Democrats' racial politics have anything to do with them. Unplanned pregnancy is not a problem for gays, so abortion should be a non-issue. People vote based on what is important to them, not what some pundit claims is in their financial interest. If that arrogant douchebag had his way, no one would have fought to end slavery, since it was nothing any white person had to worry about.
and that the fact that the Republicans message and style just hits home more due to them talking about cultural issues and the sharing of culture resonates and causes Kansas to vote Republican.
And the Democrats' message of patronage and group-identity politics and anti-white preferences and state entitlements resonates with third world voters. They are going to be a lot more inspired by that message than by Republicans parsing their words precisely so as not to offend them.
Well its much the same here. If I think you hate my race, religion, sexual orientation, creed, job, hobbies, etc... if you hate things that I associate as core to my being or my origin and how I got to where I am today then I am far less likely to vote for you,

Bullshit. Mexicans were never going to vote Republican anyway.
and also I am far more likely to support the other guy and encourage turn out against them.

Let's use that same logic on other liberal causes. Let's force the feminists and black lives matter people to shut the hell up, because no one is going to promote a woman when they think she's anti-male or she's going to interfere with how things are done. No one is going to trust blacks when their rhetoric makes it clear they despise the very means we use to keep ourselves safe as a society. White people are going to remember the cop who came when they called 911, or did a presentation at their school or were friendly and helpful when they were in that car accident. They are not going to internalize black people's allegations of these same guys as racist thugs looking for excuses to gun down blacks, so how about the blacks all just shut up before they alienate more white people? Why don't liberals ask politely, instead of Occupying things?

On another note I normally can't stand political events but there was a thing a few months back in Houston where Hugh Hewitt was going to debate Ann Coulter and the 1994 Pete Wilson Immigration Amendment and the current US presidential candidates including Donald Trump. I had to attend and it was hilarious how much Ann just did not get the immigration issue and how your language over immigrants is not the same thing as immigration policy and you need to cool your jets or you will turn the independents, moderates, non super serious political people (both liberal, and conservative) against your party

She's done the math, she has facts instead of bullshit speculation based on feelings. Immigration is one of the few things I actually agree with her wholeheartedly on.
and thus you will not win elections as evident based off what happen to California since the 1994 California Proposition 187 /Save Our State (SOS) initiative / Pete Wilson's Proposition which meant to target illegal immigration but massively caused an increased voter registration and turnout of any 1st and 2nd generation immigrants which has caused California to be a democratic stronghold since 1996.
And if Proposition 187 had succeeded, that would not have been a problem. It succeeded. All the people who ascribe to your immigration appeasement party line were scoffing at Wilson wagering his whole gubernatorial campaign on Prop 187, and were stunned at the success of both. It took a judge to arbitrarily overturn democracy (funny how the same liberals who were indignant at the Supreme Court ruling against Gore's challenges, because he won the popular vote, and their decision was undemocratic [but constitutionally correct], have NO problem with a judge overturning an actual vote of the people, for spurious reasons on ideological grounds, when it suits their agenda), and enshrine illegal immigrants' abuse of the system to turn California into the third world country it is today.

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