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Get out the echo chamber. Only far left think republicans will be punished for not filling the seat *NM* random thoughts Send a noteboard - 19/02/2016 02:07:08 PM

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View original postI'm absolutely completely sure that the Republican party has not asked Obama to ignore the Constitution. Some Republicans have, yes, but not the party.

View original postas is usually the case with these things, the national party has not made any comment one way or the other, thus giving tacit approval to the tactic.

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View original postafter years of complaining that Obama ignores the Constitution and is acting like a tyrant, blah blah yackety shmackety ad nauseum, republicans have been trying to pretend the President should not -- or must not, depending on who you ask -- nominate a successor to Scalia's seat on the Supreme Court until after the election. in effect, Obama should ignore his duties so that the next president (who will be a democrat) can nominate Scalia's successor.

View original postIf the next president will be a Democrat (quite definitive on that statement, aren't you?), then why the hell are you even bitching about this?

View original postmerely pointing out the irony in the years of republican obstructionism, mostly based on the lie that Obama ignores the Constitution.

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View original postthe way things are looking, if Obama does refuse to nominate someone (which he won't), and Trump or Cruz secures the nomination, expect democrats to hold the presidency AND the Senate next year, making the whole exercise moot anyway. i don't understand why reality is so hard for republicans to accept, but that seems to be the continuous state of the "conservative" party.

View original postYou honestly think Dems are going to win the Senate? I mean, I'm still up in the air about who will win the Presidency (I hope Trump doesn't win the nomination; if he does, I am afraid you are right, the next pres will be Hillary), but to believe that Reps will lose the Senate is laughable.

View original postwell, there are far more republicans defending seats than dems this year. and there are a number of teahadist Senators who will almost assuredly lose -- Ron Johnson from Wisconsin is a great example of this. as well, there are a number of vulnerable republicans who cannot afford to take the stance that Obama does not get to choose the next Justice, but yet we see some of them doing exactly that. i don't think their hold on the majority is as firm as you would believe, especially if Trump or Cruz is the candidate, as both of them will be disasters down-ticket.

This message last edited by random thoughts on 19/02/2016 at 02:08:09 PM
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republicans ironically ask Obama to ignore Constitution - 18/02/2016 07:29:28 PM 587 Views
Uh... - 18/02/2016 08:32:02 PM 427 Views
Re: Uh... - 18/02/2016 10:59:27 PM 507 Views
Get out the echo chamber. Only far left think republicans will be punished for not filling the seat *NM* - 19/02/2016 02:07:08 PM 204 Views
Once again, are you insane, stupid or a liar? - 23/02/2016 01:18:34 AM 453 Views
I believe part of this whole debate was... - 23/02/2016 07:43:53 AM 374 Views
Maybe some did.... - 19/02/2016 12:05:49 AM 367 Views

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