Before modification by random thoughts at 05/01/2016 06:33:56 PM
I tried but gave up two hours in. I can't sent through ten hours of this guys family and lawyers talking about how everyone was out to get him. They did convict of rape when he was innocent but being the kind of guy who dips the family cat in gasoline and then throws him in the fire or the kind of guy who sexually assaults a women and then runs her off the run sticks a shotgun in her face and threatens to kill her if she doesn't stop talking about it does make that sort of thing more likely to happen.
Since all of the motive for his mistreatment came from biased sources I dismissed that out of hand and since I am not willing to have smoke blown up my ass for another eight hours I am curious what the actual facts are to support the idea that this guy was innocent of murder? He did lure the women to house and lied to it. He was the last one to see her alive. She had already complained that he creeped by coming to the door wearing a towel. Her car was found on his property with both his blood and his sweat inside of it. Other women have accused him of rape and assault. Another police force was brought in to investigate. With all of tat tons of people seem to believe he is innocent. Just curious what the actual facts are to support that belief.