Active Users:341 Time:31/03/2025 06:55:19 AM
That kind of thinking doesn't help. Vodalus Send a noteboard - 20/11/2015 04:21:21 AM

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but you'd be excused for not knowing the difference....

Hardly any of the Republicans or the few conservatives I know are contrafactualists. Far from it, really.

EDIT: Oops. Forgot to match things up after I reworded part of that.

This message last edited by Vodalus on 20/11/2015 at 04:50:57 AM
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Obama, a few days ago - ISIS is "contained" - 14/11/2015 08:22:40 PM 1540 Views
What does one thing have to do with the other? - 14/11/2015 09:30:59 PM 937 Views
Oh, you poor naive silly man - 15/11/2015 12:15:48 AM 860 Views
Exactly. - 16/11/2015 10:01:14 AM 1138 Views
Buash and Cheney created the mess in the Middle East?Now thats funny *NM* - 16/11/2015 01:39:32 PM 539 Views
What exactly destabilized Iraq? - 16/11/2015 02:03:19 PM 1004 Views
Does that mean you support secular dictators? - 17/11/2015 01:50:52 AM 844 Views
Bush signed the withdrawal agreement, not Obama. - 17/11/2015 05:53:13 PM 904 Views
stop reading crazy left wing sources - 17/11/2015 07:24:49 PM 960 Views
The withdrawal and its timeline were part of the 2008 SOFA signed by Bush. - 17/11/2015 07:36:56 PM 839 Views
Just becuase people tell you stupid things does not mean you have to believe them - 19/11/2015 07:34:25 PM 750 Views
Wow! I'm communicating with someone from an alternate reality. *NM* - 19/11/2015 10:32:56 PM 558 Views
nope, just a republican - 20/11/2015 12:41:15 AM 780 Views
That kind of thinking doesn't help. - 20/11/2015 04:21:21 AM 814 Views
I suspect that happens to you a lot. *NM* - 20/11/2015 07:15:42 PM 438 Views
When did you stop beating your children? - 20/11/2015 12:27:59 AM 697 Views
True. Though obama has his share of mistakes - 17/11/2015 07:12:28 AM 852 Views
Obama pullying troops out early - 17/11/2015 07:22:10 PM 736 Views
How did ISIS start in Syria? Clearly it started in Iraq. - 17/11/2015 07:50:36 PM 863 Views
If you want to take it back far enough it began in fighting Russia in Afghanistan - 18/11/2015 01:25:06 PM 770 Views
I'm not sure how this is even a debate. - 18/11/2015 08:00:47 PM 863 Views
where did they first take and any significant territory? *NM* - 19/11/2015 07:43:19 PM 449 Views
You're an idiot *NM* - 14/11/2015 09:32:17 PM 468 Views
Confirmed - one of the terrorists was a "Syrian Refugee" - 15/11/2015 01:35:11 AM 705 Views
Now they're saying the passport might be fake - 15/11/2015 06:36:45 AM 839 Views
Not confirmed at all - 16/11/2015 10:00:19 AM 1061 Views
I can't see how you get from A to B - 16/11/2015 01:42:04 PM 793 Views
I don't understand you. - 17/11/2015 01:48:02 AM 793 Views
That is because I am not against intellectualism - 17/11/2015 07:35:17 PM 859 Views
The fingerprints match the refugee so yes, it's confirmed. The mastermind posed as one, too. - 17/11/2015 01:45:33 AM 748 Views
78% of all Syrian "refugees" are men. Something is up. *NM* - 17/11/2015 04:03:14 AM 580 Views
And sadly, Germany is too emasculated to respond adequately. - 17/11/2015 03:52:45 PM 785 Views
Glad to disappoint you by having a heart - 17/11/2015 03:56:48 PM 1085 Views
A heart, but not a brain - 20/11/2015 06:00:06 PM 781 Views
Yup *NM* - 17/11/2015 05:53:08 PM 508 Views
Deport the economic refugees to where, precisely? - 17/11/2015 08:14:51 PM 858 Views
Back to their home countries - 17/11/2015 10:13:51 PM 736 Views
Right. In that case, yes, they're working on that. - 17/11/2015 10:55:55 PM 880 Views
10% acceptance for Pakistan still sounds high - 18/11/2015 02:37:29 AM 852 Views
No one says it's easy, but the alternatives are so much worse - 18/11/2015 08:18:47 AM 1124 Views
Just answer one question - 20/11/2015 06:05:41 PM 827 Views
Re: Just answer one question - 20/11/2015 10:34:35 PM 1137 Views
You're so naive. - 22/11/2015 06:25:04 PM 853 Views
Calling all liberal posters - Paris Mastermind boasts about using the refugee crisis - 17/11/2015 04:30:25 AM 790 Views
Again, you're doing a great job for them. - 17/11/2015 08:17:09 AM 1103 Views
"Even if there were a handful of terrorists among the refugees" - 17/11/2015 01:23:54 PM 886 Views
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...." - 20/11/2015 12:37:55 AM 889 Views
It's a fucking statue. It has nothing to do with freedom or anything of the sort. - 20/11/2015 01:17:57 AM 897 Views
Well said - 20/11/2015 08:03:26 PM 890 Views
For better or worse... - 21/11/2015 04:56:50 AM 908 Views
Re: For better or worse... - 24/11/2015 02:19:50 AM 1019 Views
Re: For better or worse... - 27/11/2015 09:51:16 PM 1027 Views

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