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Bush signed the withdrawal agreement, not Obama. Vodalus Send a noteboard - 17/11/2015 05:53:13 PM

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By your logic we should support Assad. Actually, that would be a far easier way to end the civil war than by resorting to any other outcome.

Still, though, regardless of what you think of the US invasion, at the time when Obama foolishly withdrew US troops and turned Iraq over to the completely incompetent and utterly sectarian Maliki, there was no ISIS in Iraq. While the invasion destabilized Iraq, the troop withdrawal destabilized the fragile peace we had managed to piece together.

It was in December of 2008, when he dodged a flying shoe. Obama actually extended the timeline set by Bush and the Iraqis. And for the people who think it would have so simple for Obama to get an acceptable SOFA from the Iraqis I have to ask this: Why the hell didn't Bush just do it, then?

As to there being no ISIS in Iraq at that time, I think you well know they were AQI then.

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Obama, a few days ago - ISIS is "contained" - 14/11/2015 08:22:40 PM 1540 Views
What does one thing have to do with the other? - 14/11/2015 09:30:59 PM 937 Views
Oh, you poor naive silly man - 15/11/2015 12:15:48 AM 860 Views
Exactly. - 16/11/2015 10:01:14 AM 1138 Views
Buash and Cheney created the mess in the Middle East?Now thats funny *NM* - 16/11/2015 01:39:32 PM 539 Views
What exactly destabilized Iraq? - 16/11/2015 02:03:19 PM 1004 Views
Does that mean you support secular dictators? - 17/11/2015 01:50:52 AM 844 Views
Bush signed the withdrawal agreement, not Obama. - 17/11/2015 05:53:13 PM 905 Views
stop reading crazy left wing sources - 17/11/2015 07:24:49 PM 960 Views
The withdrawal and its timeline were part of the 2008 SOFA signed by Bush. - 17/11/2015 07:36:56 PM 839 Views
Just becuase people tell you stupid things does not mean you have to believe them - 19/11/2015 07:34:25 PM 750 Views
Wow! I'm communicating with someone from an alternate reality. *NM* - 19/11/2015 10:32:56 PM 559 Views
nope, just a republican - 20/11/2015 12:41:15 AM 780 Views
That kind of thinking doesn't help. - 20/11/2015 04:21:21 AM 814 Views
I suspect that happens to you a lot. *NM* - 20/11/2015 07:15:42 PM 438 Views
When did you stop beating your children? - 20/11/2015 12:27:59 AM 697 Views
True. Though obama has his share of mistakes - 17/11/2015 07:12:28 AM 852 Views
Obama pullying troops out early - 17/11/2015 07:22:10 PM 736 Views
How did ISIS start in Syria? Clearly it started in Iraq. - 17/11/2015 07:50:36 PM 863 Views
If you want to take it back far enough it began in fighting Russia in Afghanistan - 18/11/2015 01:25:06 PM 770 Views
I'm not sure how this is even a debate. - 18/11/2015 08:00:47 PM 863 Views
where did they first take and any significant territory? *NM* - 19/11/2015 07:43:19 PM 449 Views
You're an idiot *NM* - 14/11/2015 09:32:17 PM 468 Views
Confirmed - one of the terrorists was a "Syrian Refugee" - 15/11/2015 01:35:11 AM 705 Views
Now they're saying the passport might be fake - 15/11/2015 06:36:45 AM 839 Views
Not confirmed at all - 16/11/2015 10:00:19 AM 1061 Views
I can't see how you get from A to B - 16/11/2015 01:42:04 PM 793 Views
I don't understand you. - 17/11/2015 01:48:02 AM 793 Views
That is because I am not against intellectualism - 17/11/2015 07:35:17 PM 859 Views
The fingerprints match the refugee so yes, it's confirmed. The mastermind posed as one, too. - 17/11/2015 01:45:33 AM 748 Views
78% of all Syrian "refugees" are men. Something is up. *NM* - 17/11/2015 04:03:14 AM 580 Views
And sadly, Germany is too emasculated to respond adequately. - 17/11/2015 03:52:45 PM 785 Views
Glad to disappoint you by having a heart - 17/11/2015 03:56:48 PM 1085 Views
A heart, but not a brain - 20/11/2015 06:00:06 PM 781 Views
Yup *NM* - 17/11/2015 05:53:08 PM 508 Views
Deport the economic refugees to where, precisely? - 17/11/2015 08:14:51 PM 858 Views
Back to their home countries - 17/11/2015 10:13:51 PM 736 Views
Right. In that case, yes, they're working on that. - 17/11/2015 10:55:55 PM 880 Views
10% acceptance for Pakistan still sounds high - 18/11/2015 02:37:29 AM 852 Views
No one says it's easy, but the alternatives are so much worse - 18/11/2015 08:18:47 AM 1124 Views
Just answer one question - 20/11/2015 06:05:41 PM 827 Views
Re: Just answer one question - 20/11/2015 10:34:35 PM 1137 Views
You're so naive. - 22/11/2015 06:25:04 PM 853 Views
Calling all liberal posters - Paris Mastermind boasts about using the refugee crisis - 17/11/2015 04:30:25 AM 790 Views
Again, you're doing a great job for them. - 17/11/2015 08:17:09 AM 1103 Views
"Even if there were a handful of terrorists among the refugees" - 17/11/2015 01:23:54 PM 886 Views
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...." - 20/11/2015 12:37:55 AM 889 Views
It's a fucking statue. It has nothing to do with freedom or anything of the sort. - 20/11/2015 01:17:57 AM 897 Views
Well said - 20/11/2015 08:03:26 PM 890 Views
For better or worse... - 21/11/2015 04:56:50 AM 908 Views
Re: For better or worse... - 24/11/2015 02:19:50 AM 1019 Views
Re: For better or worse... - 27/11/2015 09:51:16 PM 1027 Views

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