Active Users:612 Time:28/09/2024 12:20:16 AM
No, but you did rant about all those presidents / candidates not being conservative enough. Legolas Send a noteboard - 28/08/2015 10:18:53 PM

And then you did seem to defend his positions and statements on the illegal immigration topic.

View original postIf you are going to challenge a candidate's conservative credentials as nearly every GOP pundit or informed supporter seems to be claiming to be doing with Trump, why is he getting so much attention if he's just a big idiot, while people with nearly identical positions to his skate by, with the added point of having not accomplished nearly as much as Trump outside of politics.

I'm not aware of other Republican candidates who have nearly identical positions to his, actually. There's a lot of comparisons to Cruz, but while Cruz may also be populistic and also tough on immigration, he's a lot more conventionally conservative on the other issues. In terms of completely outrageous statements, his closest competitors would probably be Huckabee and Carson, but again they're quite different on other points.

In any case, Trump's uniqueness, more than the outrageous quotes, more than the special blend of liberal stances, shameless flip-flopping and Tea Party rhetoric, lies surely in his open and blatant lack of interest in anything other than his own ego, ambition and bank account. I suppose in that regard, at least, he is refreshingly honest, but if people are disgusted by presidential candidates who secretly hold such motives, why would they (I'm not saying you - duly noted you don't support him) vote for one who does so openly?

View original postAgain, what was wrong with that? How is it "ugly populism" unless you are going to descend in Salteresque psychoanalysis and imaginary extrapolations? What did I say that was factually incorrect, aside from conceding for argument's sake the low ball 11 million figure? Is it somehow immoral to object to the Democrats replaying their tactics from Bleeding Kansas 160 years ago, only with the whole country this time, just because some of the participants have darker skin?

Seriously? You say "eleven million Mexicans" with a straight face and you ask me what was factually incorrect? Rubio made the point again during the debate: all this trash talking of Mexico and fairy tales about building walls indicates pretty clearly that people aren't exactly up to date on the facts. As per a quick Wikipedia check, 50% of those 11 million aren't Mexicans, and over 20% aren't Latin-American at all. And close to half of the number originally entered the country legally, so a wall would've done exactly nothing to change that.

Then there's your claim that "Mexicans blow native born Americans of all colors out of the water in urban crime, single parent households and drug issues" - was that even supposed to be a factual statement, accurate or not (hint: it's not)? Or really more of a Trump-style "I'm mad and I'm going to rant about it, facts only get in the way" statement?

Populism is politicians promoting simplistic policies to voters which they know perfectly well aren't serious or feasible solutions at all (on which note, I see you ignored Salter's very valid question about the practicalities of deporting 11 million people, much like Trump does). Ugly is, well, slurring millions of people as rapists just because. Honestly, "ugly populism" is a perfectly objective description of Trump's rhetoric. Sanders or Warren are also populist, just not as ugly (and while we're on the topic of the Democrats, I agree with the RNC that Clinton should apologize for her ridiculous and offensive remarks about the Republicans' views on women).

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Trump is a narcisit and his suporters are crazy - 27/08/2015 03:30:16 PM 944 Views
This. Times a billion. - 27/08/2015 05:42:31 PM 349 Views
As a staunch conservative, couldn't agree more with this piece. *NM* - 27/08/2015 09:58:16 PM 191 Views
Screw this guy. And Trump, too, but mostly this guy. - 28/08/2015 02:25:55 PM 420 Views
I mostly agree with you. - 28/08/2015 04:16:01 PM 459 Views
You should avoid documantries made by idiots - 28/08/2015 09:23:06 PM 415 Views
Thank you for the Maximoff argument! Please don't side with Ultron! - 30/08/2015 02:19:56 AM 432 Views
finding an excuse to believe something stupid makes it no less stupid *NM* - 30/08/2015 06:10:41 PM 156 Views
You can't spell but you know better? Were you there? - 30/08/2015 03:15:30 PM 400 Views
You know nothing about the militray but you think you do because of your spelling skills? - 31/08/2015 05:14:28 AM 385 Views
Well that's not true - 01/09/2015 03:13:38 PM 431 Views
The History channel also has shows about aliens building the pyramids - 01/09/2015 07:31:51 PM 393 Views
Wow. What was that all about? - 28/08/2015 05:26:05 PM 735 Views
Did I ever once defend him as a conservative? - 28/08/2015 08:49:52 PM 393 Views
No, but you did rant about all those presidents / candidates not being conservative enough. - 28/08/2015 10:18:53 PM 423 Views

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