Active Users:602 Time:28/09/2024 12:19:21 AM
I mostly agree with you. Tom Send a noteboard - 28/08/2015 04:16:01 PM

In particular, with the statements about how the Founding Fathers didn't like direct democracy, and how McCain has milked his POW past for maximum benefit. I also saw a documentary about the Forrestal fire that indicated that if McCain had piloted his plane into the sea (rather than jumping out) he might have stopped the fire, because it was the explosions from his plane that started the chain reaction. However, I can't find the confirmation on Wikipedia.

In any event, McCain also seems intent on starting wars everywhere.

Political correctness is the pettiest form of casuistry.

ἡ δὲ κἀκ τριῶν τρυπημάτων ἐργαζομένη ἐνεκάλει τῇ φύσει, δυσφορουμένη, ὅτι δὴ μὴ καὶ τοὺς τιτθοὺς αὐτῇ εὐρύτερον ἢ νῦν εἰσι τρυπώη, ὅπως καὶ ἄλλην ἐνταῦθα μίξιν ἐπιτεχνᾶσθαι δυνατὴ εἴη. – Procopius

Ummaka qinnassa nīk!

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Trump is a narcisit and his suporters are crazy - 27/08/2015 03:30:16 PM 944 Views
This. Times a billion. - 27/08/2015 05:42:31 PM 349 Views
As a staunch conservative, couldn't agree more with this piece. *NM* - 27/08/2015 09:58:16 PM 191 Views
Screw this guy. And Trump, too, but mostly this guy. - 28/08/2015 02:25:55 PM 420 Views
I mostly agree with you. - 28/08/2015 04:16:01 PM 459 Views
You should avoid documantries made by idiots - 28/08/2015 09:23:06 PM 415 Views
Thank you for the Maximoff argument! Please don't side with Ultron! - 30/08/2015 02:19:56 AM 432 Views
finding an excuse to believe something stupid makes it no less stupid *NM* - 30/08/2015 06:10:41 PM 156 Views
You can't spell but you know better? Were you there? - 30/08/2015 03:15:30 PM 400 Views
You know nothing about the militray but you think you do because of your spelling skills? - 31/08/2015 05:14:28 AM 385 Views
Well that's not true - 01/09/2015 03:13:38 PM 431 Views
The History channel also has shows about aliens building the pyramids - 01/09/2015 07:31:51 PM 393 Views

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