Active Users:370 Time:12/03/2025 06:22:26 AM
What is good about him? Ghavrel Send a noteboard - 12/08/2015 08:05:10 AM

Honest question. I disagree with him on almost every issue. Some things he says are just ludicrous--like that while some Biblical stories are metaphors, the ark was literal, or him implying that scientific evidence supports a Creator. He identifies with the Tea Party.

Some of his intense religious nature has led to stuff I agree with; I support his expansion of medicare in his state. But I'm at a loss as to why you think he'd be particularly good as President.

"We feel safe when we read what we recognise, what does not challenge our way of thinking.... a steady acceptance of pre-arranged patterns leads to the inability to question what we are told."

Ghavrel is Ghavrel is Ghavrel


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So can Trump actually win the nomination? - 06/08/2015 06:02:41 PM 1247 Views
I still think no. The media want ratings and feed the hype, that's all. - 06/08/2015 06:54:25 PM 767 Views
Bloomberg is a democrat - 06/08/2015 11:14:03 PM 797 Views
Re: Bloomberg is a democrat - 07/08/2015 01:48:52 AM 930 Views
that sort of RINO thinking is dems greatest hope - 07/08/2015 05:24:59 AM 618 Views
What a bizarre reasoning. - 07/08/2015 07:02:31 AM 712 Views
You misunderstand me. - 07/08/2015 06:49:15 AM 733 Views
I don't think so. - 07/08/2015 01:51:18 PM 605 Views
Kasich is such a good choice I do not know whether to want or fear his nomination - 10/08/2015 01:19:05 PM 769 Views
What is good about him? - 12/08/2015 08:05:10 AM 576 Views
God help us all, please no. - 07/08/2015 03:43:12 PM 544 Views
I am horrified that this is even a legitimate question. But it is. - 07/08/2015 04:42:31 PM 646 Views
He really is not - 10/08/2015 01:23:35 PM 754 Views
Some partially related thoughts after actually watching the debate... - 07/08/2015 09:28:42 PM 668 Views
Kasich is easily the GOPs best choice, so probably has no shot - 10/08/2015 01:31:44 PM 972 Views
Kasich is running for VP - 11/08/2015 04:42:59 PM 647 Views
Betfair betting markets say no - 08/08/2015 08:41:36 AM 1468 Views
it just shocks me that his numbers stay high no matter he says - 09/08/2015 03:40:47 PM 593 Views
Yeah, but betting markets are proven to be far more accurate than polls - 11/08/2015 07:54:55 AM 687 Views
Where did the have Obama this far out from his first primary? - 11/08/2015 04:42:00 PM 583 Views
Re: Where did the have Obama this far out from his first primary? - 12/08/2015 01:22:19 AM 676 Views
i think i would need to see proof that they were picking him in August 2007 - 12/08/2015 01:40:31 AM 575 Views
Watching a bunch of old men tear themselves apart over women being people... - 09/08/2015 06:22:54 PM 841 Views
all I goot of that was ou don'q like old whit men *NM* - 09/08/2015 07:50:09 PM 399 Views
Not only no, but ROFLCOPTER - 10/08/2015 01:09:56 PM 660 Views
Trump probably *can* win the nomination - 13/08/2015 10:24:49 PM 743 Views
please show the poll with Bush trailing Clinton by anywhere 20points - 14/08/2015 12:49:47 AM 565 Views

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