Before modification by Legolas at 07/08/2015 09:28:55 PM
Best answer: toss-up between Kasich on health care and Christie on entitlement reform. Kasich just might be my new favourite among the Republicans. Even if governors in debates are seriously a pain in the ass with the endless litanies of numbers.
Trump: absolutely never. Even if Republican voters don't reject him for all the right reasons, and I fully believe they will, they'll reject him for the wrong reasons - his past support for a single-payer health care system and his pro-choice stances.
Economic ideas that make enough sense to convince a seventh-grader are apparently not a requirement anymore to run for president - hearing Huckabee and Carson talk, you'd almost think there is a Biblical prohibition somewhere against touching economic textbooks. Gotta love Trump's reasoning, too; I suggest "Let's Chapter Eleven the USA" as a new campaign slogan.
Generally speaking, I would consider voting for a surprisingly high number of these guys (at least four and possibly even up to si
, on the condition that they promise to put someone sane like Condi Rice or Dick Lugar at State and just let them handle things.