Not guaranteed to win by any means but with Hillary, the socialist or Uncle Biden as their choices a decent republican candidate would be hard to beat.
Know any? I'd vote for Biden before Christie, Rubio or Jeb. Or Trump, for that matter, but at least he's wiling to speak to the illegal immigration problem. The Paul/Romney equivocation of "self-deporting" is absurd & unrealistic, especially since the longer we let them in, the less chance there is of actually rolling back the welfare state to encourage such self-deportation.
A bad Democrat is a better choice for president than a weak Republican. At least the GOP will sometimes stand up against the former. John McCain's presidency would not have been appreciably different than Obama's, but there would have been no Tea Party to oppose him. Had Bush 41 been reelected, we'd have never retaken Congress in '94. And don't try whining about the Supreme Court. Nixon gave us Powell & Blackmun, Ford gave us Stevens, Reagan gave us O'Connor, Bush gave us Souter & Dubya gave us Roberts. What good are Alito, Thomas & Scalia when they are outnumbered by their own party's appointees?
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!