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So can Trump actually win the nomination? random thoughts Send a noteboard - 06/08/2015 06:02:41 PM

I know the popular opinion is he will say something really stupid and flame out but he has already insulted POWs and pissed off every Latino in the country and he keeps getting more popular.

I can't decide which will hurt the party more, him winning the nomination or him running as an independent. Either way the Dems win the election but I think him on the top of the ticket would be a huge drag on the other elections taking place. A negative coattail effect where republicans are so disgusted they don't bother to vote at all. With all the republicans up for reelection this cycle it could be a blood bath. If he just runs as an independent the party loses and election they were positioned to win but get to shed some of its more fringe elements and move back towards the center.

I have voted for every republican nominee since Reagan but I cannot and will not vote for Trump. To me the republican party has always been about fiscal responsibility and personal accountability. If it becomes the I blame China and Mexicans for all my problems party I don't think I could call myself a republican any longer.

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So can Trump actually win the nomination? - 06/08/2015 06:02:41 PM 1247 Views
I still think no. The media want ratings and feed the hype, that's all. - 06/08/2015 06:54:25 PM 766 Views
Bloomberg is a democrat - 06/08/2015 11:14:03 PM 797 Views
Re: Bloomberg is a democrat - 07/08/2015 01:48:52 AM 929 Views
that sort of RINO thinking is dems greatest hope - 07/08/2015 05:24:59 AM 618 Views
What a bizarre reasoning. - 07/08/2015 07:02:31 AM 712 Views
You misunderstand me. - 07/08/2015 06:49:15 AM 732 Views
I don't think so. - 07/08/2015 01:51:18 PM 605 Views
Kasich is such a good choice I do not know whether to want or fear his nomination - 10/08/2015 01:19:05 PM 769 Views
What is good about him? - 12/08/2015 08:05:10 AM 575 Views
God help us all, please no. - 07/08/2015 03:43:12 PM 544 Views
I am horrified that this is even a legitimate question. But it is. - 07/08/2015 04:42:31 PM 646 Views
He really is not - 10/08/2015 01:23:35 PM 753 Views
Some partially related thoughts after actually watching the debate... - 07/08/2015 09:28:42 PM 668 Views
Kasich is easily the GOPs best choice, so probably has no shot - 10/08/2015 01:31:44 PM 971 Views
Kasich is running for VP - 11/08/2015 04:42:59 PM 647 Views
Betfair betting markets say no - 08/08/2015 08:41:36 AM 1468 Views
it just shocks me that his numbers stay high no matter he says - 09/08/2015 03:40:47 PM 593 Views
Yeah, but betting markets are proven to be far more accurate than polls - 11/08/2015 07:54:55 AM 687 Views
Where did the have Obama this far out from his first primary? - 11/08/2015 04:42:00 PM 583 Views
Re: Where did the have Obama this far out from his first primary? - 12/08/2015 01:22:19 AM 675 Views
i think i would need to see proof that they were picking him in August 2007 - 12/08/2015 01:40:31 AM 575 Views
Watching a bunch of old men tear themselves apart over women being people... - 09/08/2015 06:22:54 PM 841 Views
all I goot of that was ou don'q like old whit men *NM* - 09/08/2015 07:50:09 PM 399 Views
Not only no, but ROFLCOPTER - 10/08/2015 01:09:56 PM 660 Views
Trump probably *can* win the nomination - 13/08/2015 10:24:49 PM 743 Views
please show the poll with Bush trailing Clinton by anywhere 20points - 14/08/2015 12:49:47 AM 564 Views

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