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No, the question remains why the cross, US flag and Confederate Battle Flag=racism Joel Send a noteboard - 26/06/2015 11:28:22 PM

View original postthe question is not: what contributions have southern Americans made to the history of this nation?

but as usual, i know you can't help yourself when you think a history lesson is in order. but the symbol of the failed fledgling nation-state of the former confederacy was and is a symbol of white America's dominance over black Americans. the flag was used to identify confederate soldiers on the battlefield -- remember, they were the ones who wanted to keep slaves and went to war for that right.

I remember no such thing. Again, CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS DID NOT BLEED AND DIE FOR ANY SLAVERY "RIGHT" MOST OF THEM COULD NEVER EXERCISE ANYWAY. They fought for "contributions Southern Americans made to the history of this nation [which is pretty much ALL OF THEM until that point]" so yes, that is very much the question. "The Dukes of Hazard" was not about glorifying racist cousins, even though they drove around in a car named "The General Lee" with a Confederate Battle Flag painted on its side. I am not calling it high art, but it was not racism, the whole racism and nothing but the racism.

View original postin the 1960s when the flag made a resurgence it was in response to the growing civil rights movements and especially the idea that black people deserved to have equal protection under the law. do i really need to remind you of George Wallace showing that flag for his infamous "segregation now" speech? the confederacy lost in its rebellion against the US government, its symbols should be relegated to history's dustbin just as nazi memorabilia is.

Most Southern states adopted the Confederate Battle Flag in their own at the turn of the last century, not half a century later when the Civil Rights movement began. In the 1910s "The Birth of a Nation" showed Klansmen marching down the street too ashamed to bare their faces but proudly bearing the Stars and Stripes: Does that make IT a "racist symbol"? Again, US racisms SIGNATURE ELEMENT is not any flag, but a burning cross: I guess that means I married a racist Klanswoman, because she not only wears that "racist symbol" around her neck, but DAILY! Seriously, you made me agree with trollster here: Anyone who watches "Gone with the Wind" and gets Clark Gable is such a racist SOB does NOT get it.

Racists are human filth, and know it (justified insecurity is usually much of why they are racists) so latch on to any and every respected symbol they can find to "justify" their contemptibility: That does not mean they competely and irredeemably corrupt all those previously respected symbols the moment they touch them, and certainly not that they should be ALLOWED to do so.

Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
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Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
This message last edited by Joel on 26/06/2015 at 11:32:45 PM
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racist mass murderer finally brings about the end of the US Civil War 150 years after the fact - 24/06/2015 11:41:08 PM 1013 Views
And everyone needs to stop watching Gone with the Wind! *NM* - 25/06/2015 06:45:09 PM 292 Views
White supremacists use the cross and US flag at least as much: Should we ban those "racist" symbols? - 25/06/2015 08:09:30 PM 954 Views
the question is: why do you want to continue to worship the symbols of slavery and racism? - 26/06/2015 12:06:06 AM 682 Views
You are such an ignorant fuck *NM* - 26/06/2015 02:09:29 AM 337 Views
No, the question remains why the cross, US flag and Confederate Battle Flag=racism - 26/06/2015 11:28:22 PM 769 Views
The US flag was used to commit herindous war crimes against the Americans in the South - 25/06/2015 09:54:33 PM 723 Views
But we won, so we get the final say on what is good or bad. - 26/06/2015 02:52:41 PM 669 Views
And we get to fly our flags in protest of the war of northern aggression *NM* - 26/06/2015 03:27:59 PM 383 Views
All stand for the national anthem of the Confederate States - 30/06/2015 04:44:58 PM 842 Views

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