Like, there are a LOT of fossils out there. Even if a couple were fake or wrong (which I won't even debate, it doesn't matter in this case), there are many, many fossils out there. Like, you can just google "pictures of fossils."
I agree there are fossils, their age is a matter of supreme indifference to me, but they are presented as evidence in a mostly tautological manner. Furthermore, no one seems willing to admit the limits of what fossil teach or prove. When I was in first grade, I was still being taught the 19th century proposition that they were so stupid they needed a second brain for their hind legs & tail, they were cold blooded, and the big ones had to spend most of their time in the water to hold up their weight. In recent years, people are suddenly realizing that a lot of them had feathers! If someone had only the skeleton of an elephant to go on, and absolutely no accounts, depictions or other physical evidence of the existence of elephants, that skeleton would not hint at the size of their ears, or the presence of their trunks.
Furthermore, the presence of similar fossils in no way demonstrates that one set evolved into the other set. Similarity does not prove a relationship. But these are the fraudulent sets of proofs continuously offered, as if everyone is supposed to stop questioning and never, ever bring up alternatives. Maybe evolution is real. Certainly there is nothing in my religious doctrine that invalidates it, but I refuse to accept the idea that nothing else is a allowed to be taught, on the basis of the paucity of information generally available, or much more stupidly, because of a scientific consensus. Historically speaking, scientific consensus is pretty much only something that future generations will laugh at us for believing. It's also something I have seen change far too often in my less than forty years of existence, to blindly accept in a dogmatic fashion.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!