Before modification by beetnemesis at 05/06/2015 02:24:04 PM
It all flows from the basic idea that gender identity is a brain chemistry thing. Like being gay, or left handed.
If you want, you can call a "person with lady bits who identifies as a man" a transgender man, or a transman.
Gender identity isn't just some hippie, made up idea. If you take a little boy, cut off his dick, and raise him as a girl, he's still going to feel, on a fundamental level, that he's not a girl.
What I find interesting though, is that the people who are violently (yes, VIOLENTLY, more on that in a minute) opposed seem to think that these people are just like... faking it. Wasn't it Huckabee that made that joke the other day?
Yeah, Mike. And then you would have had the crap beaten out of you by a bunch of jocks, probably with the coach cheering them on, possibly sexually assaulted (sex. assault numbers are astoundingly high for transgenders), and then forever ostracized.
There would be no bro-fives.
So yeah, I just find that bizarre. The people who get upset about this tend to think that it's either some elaborate ploy to get into the opposite-sex restroom. Either that, or that Tim-who-feels-like-a-woman is completely and totally diseased, and should be locked up and forced to admit he's a dude.
Which is about as effective as locking up a gay guy and telling him that, really, he should be attracted to women.
To sum up- who gives a shit if Maria down the street feels more like a Mark? How does it possibly affect you in the slightest?