Active Users:682 Time:23/02/2025 11:14:36 AM
Re: Well your post is nonsense but I am not sure thats is what you meant - Edit 1

Before modification by Sports_Gambler at 01/12/2014 09:17:27 AM

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View original postFalse again, he ran away because Wilson was shooting at him; he turned after getting hit once with his hands up and said 'OK OK I give up, I don't have a gun!'. He only stumbled a few feet towards Wilson at walking pace, but Wilson simply keep blasting away - firing 12 times in total and hitting Brown in the head, killing him.

View original postHere you again run afoul of actual facts. The blood evidence clearly shows that Brown came back 25 feet towards Wilson. Two of those 12 shots clearly took place inside the vehicle and while you can find some supposed witnesses that claim Brown has had his hands in the air you can also find witnesses that claim Wilson stood over Brown when he shot him. When you throw out the witnesses whose stories do not match the physical evidence it is clear Brown had a least one hand at his waist and he was moving back towards Wilson at rate somewhere between a stumble and charge.

I'd be prepared to trust the cops story prior to this point, but his account of what happened at the end just isn't believable. The idea that after running away from someone shooting at you, you'd suddenly turn around and charge them makes no sense. That would be suicide. The majority of the witnesses say Brown was either stumbling or moving towards Wilson no faster than walking pace. To call this a 'charge' amounts to some serious spin-doctoring.

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View original postLets compare Europe to the US to see how many people cops shot dead in this past year (Source: Economist):

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View original postThe rate at which cops in the States are killing people is way higher than any other Western country. This is not normal behaviour for any other developed nation.

View original postHow does any of this have any bearing on the this case? I would suggest actually reviewing the evidence in this case and spend less time looking at what happens in Germany.

What it shows is the unusually trigger-happy nature of US cops compared to the cops in other Western nations.

View original postThe idea that Brown was not dangerous simply because he didn't have a weapon yet is so ludicrous as to make anyone who uses of questionable mental capacity and intellectual honesty.

After the altercation at the car, the officer (Wilson) had ended the threat. Brown was running off. At this point, there was simply no reason for more shooting. Back-up was only moments away. Wilson could simply have waited a few moments for back-up, then the officers acting together could easily have physically over-powered Brown and made a simple arrest. Alternatively, Wilson could pursued and used his baton and/or pepper-spray to overpower Brown.

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