Active Users:1105 Time:23/11/2024 01:58:09 AM
You are 100% correct random thoughts Send a noteboard - 19/11/2014 05:42:34 PM

Brown was shot for jay walking not shot while attacking a policed officer he had just been shot trying to disarm and of course the robbery we all saw on tape was not really a robbery because the man we see being robbed and assaulted in the video and whose store was subsequently looted by the peaceful protesters must not have been robbed or he have pressed charges on against the dead kid and said screw the angry lynch mob. Thanks for making this clear. I think we should take it further and arrest any police officer for assault who uses any force while doing his job. We don't let normal people use force against pothers after all. Better yet just arrest them when they show up at the academy since they must be evil thugs if they want to be police officers. I think we should start with Ferguson and fire all the police officers there since they are violent felons.

Next lets move on to Doctors who have patients die on the operating table. We can build a better world if we are just willing to try.

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these things should be simple: shoot someone dead -> face a jury trial to determine your guilt - 18/11/2014 11:38:11 PM 1036 Views
You are 100% correct - 19/11/2014 05:42:34 PM 583 Views
He is facing a jury - 22/11/2014 06:01:28 AM 608 Views

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