Active Users:496 Time:03/07/2024 07:13:10 PM
right after he violates his oath of office and decrees amnesty random thoughts Send a noteboard - 14/11/2014 06:50:46 PM

Even he admitted he doesn't have the athurity but no he decided that if congress wont pass laws he wants he will just big dick the constitution and pass laws on his own. Thar sort gross violation of separation of power is worthy of impeachment and if the left wasn't so short sighted they would realize how dangerous his. The next president will likely be a Republican, how the left react if the precedent holds.

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The 53rd Republican Senator won today! - 13/11/2014 03:56:26 AM 506 Views
i asked in the other thread but when does impeachment happen? - 13/11/2014 08:06:23 PM 343 Views
speaking as a hard core republican.... - 14/11/2014 05:54:18 AM 351 Views
I've seen rhetoric from Tea Party and NRA types about it - 14/11/2014 01:20:36 PM 414 Views
right after he violates his oath of office and decrees amnesty - 14/11/2014 06:50:46 PM 313 Views
53rd *NM* - 14/11/2014 03:29:29 PM 167 Views
Gee, I swore I typed that! *NM* - 15/11/2014 05:08:47 AM 152 Views
Leave the revisionism to Democrats *NM* - 15/11/2014 09:59:56 PM 150 Views
That is proficy not revisionism - 17/11/2014 04:53:18 PM 316 Views

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