I can't speak to all states, but North Carolina has a photo ID law and all you have to do to get one is go to your DMV with acceptable proof of identity (like social security card and bills to you at your address) and they give you one for free. That could only be racist if you stand for the proposition that black people are too lazy to do this, in which case your own position is racist.
In Michigan, even if you don't have a license, you go to the Secretary of State (DMV in other states) and you get a state ID card. They don't even give a shit if you actually live where you say you live. Frankly, it requires more proof to get a library card than it does to get a state ID or driver's license. Why would a student not have a valid ID card? How do students buy cigarettes or alcohol without a valid ID card or license? How can somebody of any race or age open a bank account without a valid ID card or cash a check anywhere? I don't get the argument that any state should accept a concealed weapon permit, student ID or anything else than either a driver's license or state ID card.
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings