Active Users:582 Time:09/03/2025 10:14:12 PM
I really do hate that words are being intentionally misconstrued to alter the tone of conversations. MightyYT Send a noteboard - 11/10/2014 02:03:32 AM

Courage and being brave are easy to explain. I once knew a guy back in the military. Without going into too much detail, a member of the unit was injured but was able to get to cover. We had to extract,but due to injury, wasn't really able to move on his own. This guy went over to our comrade, picked him up, and carried him out. I noticed that the guy had wet himself. That is bravery. That is courage. Being so scared to do something that you literally wet yourself, but you do it anyway.

Castle: This is so weird. I dressed up as him for Halloween.

Beckett: Me too.

~When Castle and Beckett met Gene Simmons.
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What is "brave" about avoiding pain or embarassment? - 10/10/2014 02:07:50 AM 1007 Views
The word "brave", like the word "hero", was destroyed in the 1980s or so. - 10/10/2014 02:38:49 PM 857 Views
So true. - 17/10/2014 05:23:51 AM 900 Views
I really do hate that words are being intentionally misconstrued to alter the tone of conversations. - 11/10/2014 02:03:32 AM 816 Views
Reminds me of that old 4chan meme - 11/10/2014 02:44:48 AM 776 Views
No evidence of a 'God', no point projecting your morality on to others - 13/10/2014 06:54:31 PM 768 Views
Which is not remotely what I was doing. - 13/10/2014 11:15:48 PM 758 Views
You were doing it plenty, it made up 75% of your post - 14/10/2014 01:37:28 AM 792 Views
I'm confused. Are you saying there is no such thing as courage? *NM* - 16/10/2014 02:25:36 AM 387 Views
Spades - 20/10/2014 07:48:32 PM 894 Views

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