Active Users:3297 Time:22/01/2025 06:42:43 PM
If by coward you mean scientist, then sure. Legolas Send a noteboard - 18/09/2014 06:10:30 AM

View original postAs per all the dire warnings, Manhattan should be under water by now, there should be no ice in the artic anymore, temperatures should be hitting new highs every year, and hurricanes should have destroyed half of the nation by now (and this isn't much of an exaggeration, look at the comments after the 2005 hurricane season).

Uh, yeah, the Hollywood version with the Manhattan flooding wasn't exactly supposed to be a real prediction, certainly not in so short a timeframe.
View original postNothing happened. Nothing close. And some things moved in the opposite direction.....more ice in the artic, less hurricanes, etc.

I beg your pardon? More ice in the Arctic? That's kind of a big factual blunder there. If you paid any attention you'd know that that particular trend has not paused or abated, much less reversed.

That the temperature increase has stagnated, yes. Things are indeed more complex than Gore pretended. But you can't just sit back and do nothing until science has figured out every last detail of global warming - there's more than enough known already to take action.

View original postSo please forgive me if I stop believing the hype.

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The "settled science" of climate change continues to unravel..... - 16/09/2014 07:00:16 PM 1143 Views
What utter rubbish - 16/09/2014 08:54:22 PM 816 Views
By the time my daughter is 50'ish..... - 17/09/2014 04:08:35 AM 771 Views
tell the people of norfolk, VA that climate change isn't happening - 18/09/2014 12:12:45 AM 960 Views
So if we are the only deniers I expect to see rapid and dramatic decrease in the carbon? - 17/09/2014 08:39:30 PM 811 Views
The Chinese will take action - they have not much choice anymore. - 17/09/2014 09:51:10 PM 798 Views
Reducing pollution doesn't exactly mean cutting CO2..... - 18/09/2014 04:09:58 AM 753 Views
don't consufe glaobal warming with air pollution - 18/09/2014 03:45:53 PM 768 Views
I don't know anyone that would call me right wing - 27/09/2014 05:15:21 AM 989 Views
If by "unravel" you mean that it's more complex than it seemed at first, then yes. - 17/09/2014 08:04:24 PM 743 Views
The probelm is the models suck and they are beingt over sold - 17/09/2014 08:43:56 PM 751 Views
They're flawed, sure, but they're the best we have. - 17/09/2014 09:46:34 PM 820 Views
the problem is that people like yourself refuse to believe that science works - 17/09/2014 11:57:11 PM 827 Views
that was 90% inaccurate - 18/09/2014 03:39:35 PM 768 Views
"More complex" is a coward's way of saying we were wrong..... - 18/09/2014 04:22:00 AM 765 Views
If by coward you mean scientist, then sure. - 18/09/2014 06:10:30 AM 833 Views

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