Active Users:3278 Time:22/01/2025 06:41:34 PM
I mean, ignoring everything else, I always thought it boiled down to an easily-answered question beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 17/09/2014 04:45:02 PM

"Do you think that over a century of discharging tons of smoke into the atmosphere has had, or will have, any effect?"

I mean, there's stuff in smoke, and it doesn't just float into space to turn into stars.

It's very easy to get bogged down in arguments about which SPECIFIC chemicals are causing which specific problems, and what specific effects that is having on the world as a whole.

But my thinking is, simply, it seems intuitive that SOMETHING results from pollution. If you pollute a river, the water is contaminated. If you have a landfill, that's ground full of trash. If I see a picture of a Chinese city covered in smog, the stuff in the air doesn't just wink out of existence when a breeze comes to blow it away. I don't need to debate about the consistency and cause of acid rain when it's obvious that acid rain exists.

I amuse myself.
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The "settled science" of climate change continues to unravel..... - 16/09/2014 07:00:16 PM 1143 Views
What utter rubbish - 16/09/2014 08:54:22 PM 816 Views
By the time my daughter is 50'ish..... - 17/09/2014 04:08:35 AM 771 Views
tell the people of norfolk, VA that climate change isn't happening - 18/09/2014 12:12:45 AM 960 Views
So if we are the only deniers I expect to see rapid and dramatic decrease in the carbon? - 17/09/2014 08:39:30 PM 811 Views
The Chinese will take action - they have not much choice anymore. - 17/09/2014 09:51:10 PM 798 Views
Reducing pollution doesn't exactly mean cutting CO2..... - 18/09/2014 04:09:58 AM 753 Views
don't consufe glaobal warming with air pollution - 18/09/2014 03:45:53 PM 768 Views
I don't know anyone that would call me right wing - 27/09/2014 05:15:21 AM 989 Views
I mean, ignoring everything else, I always thought it boiled down to an easily-answered question - 17/09/2014 04:45:02 PM 809 Views
If by "unravel" you mean that it's more complex than it seemed at first, then yes. - 17/09/2014 08:04:24 PM 743 Views
The probelm is the models suck and they are beingt over sold - 17/09/2014 08:43:56 PM 751 Views
They're flawed, sure, but they're the best we have. - 17/09/2014 09:46:34 PM 820 Views
the problem is that people like yourself refuse to believe that science works - 17/09/2014 11:57:11 PM 827 Views
that was 90% inaccurate - 18/09/2014 03:39:35 PM 768 Views
"More complex" is a coward's way of saying we were wrong..... - 18/09/2014 04:22:00 AM 765 Views
If by coward you mean scientist, then sure. - 18/09/2014 06:10:30 AM 832 Views

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