I'm saying this with a lot of conviction, and a very real possibility that the fighting will continue tomorrow morning, when the ceasefire ends.
Israel left Gaza. Hamas has not allowed any meaningful amount of time to pass without firing rockets at our communities. They say it's because of the blockade, but if you belive them you are a fool. Sure, they want the blockade lifted, but mostly so they can get Iranian weapons, so the next war will be even bigger. If they truely wanted to lift the blockade, all they needed to do was STOP launching rockets. After a year Obama would have forced Netanyahu to lift the blockade. In two years, Netanyahu would be sent to the opposition and the peace process could resume.
The same process killed by Hamas in a string of some 30 suicide bombings in the 90s.
They don't want a solution, they want us dead in the ground. Any other face they show is just a tactic. And the international media collaborates with them out of fear for their reporters on the ground.