Mice aborting their embryos is not considered murder because mice are not moral beings.
How could a God make a universe where there is so much suffering? Mice as well as other animals do suffer, but yet have no comprehension of the why behind the suffering.
Man is different though, Man can rise above suffering and using suffering to his advantage, Man can find God and goodness in suffering. Good and evil cannot exist without the other, it is through suffering (and via empathy) we find grace (at least according to many religions including many theologians of Catholicism the religion I was raised as a child and thus the religion I know the most about)
So how can God be so cruel to make helpless beings who can not choose their own destiny suffer so much?
I am not trying to be offensive with this post, and I apologize if it appears so. Questioning the mysteries can lead to two options. Either doubt (and possibly rejection or the mysteries) or the troubles with the mysteries will cause greater contemplation, introspection, and appreciation of the mysteries and via that process increase your faith.
I understand there is no provable answer, their is no right answer. I am a weak atheist which means I am agnostic to the concept of a God, I personally believe there is no god/gods but I also believe it could be a God/Gods exist but in the end it is unprovable. This is sometimes simplified to being just an agnostic, it is also called soft atheism.
I respect people that come to the opposite conclusion, God is unprovable but yet I still believe in him. I also respect people that feel God so strongly in their soul that they believe he must be true. Emotion and Rationality are different parts of the brain, and as long as a person is rational and sane I can respect them.
I asked this question for being exposed to other viewpoints and perspectives challenge your beliefs. Your faith is either strengthen, or you may change your mind. I recognize my belief in weak atheism, that I am agnostic, is at its very core faith and that I am using my emotional side of my brain when I have faith and not necessary my rational side of my brain.
Does that make sense to you?