your family's experience was different for being white and given favorable loan conditions compared to a black family of equal poverty. you were able to succeed because society values your being as a white person more than it values your black counterparts. this is how US society is structured, how it has historically operated, and how it continues to operate today. look at the recent vote for school lunches which the US House restricted to only rural families. look at the demographics of rural versus urban families and tell me with a straight face that rural kids are more deserving of school lunch programs than all kids no matter their background or geographic location. the US government is not able to stop discriminating against non-whites, even in 2014. for you to not see this means that it will be a long while yet before America lives up to the ideals that we are all equal under the law.
"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman