Another great decision by SCOTUS! Affirmative action should be a thing of the past. If society should be color-blind, let it be color-blind.
Seriously, maybe outside the liberal bastion of Ann Arbor, where the University of Michigan is located, I haven't heard anybody talk about that law in ages.
While I don't doubt the good intentions of affirmative action programs, I do think the country as a whole needs to move on at some point. It is 2014, not 1950, and people know they need to get a good education and do well in school to get into a good college or university. There isn't really an excuse anymore for special advantage.
Except, all things aren't equal. The education my children are getting in Royal Oak, is VASTLY superior to the education some of these kids are getting in the Detroit Public Schools. It's not their fault - and yet, we punish them for getting a shitty education.
That's not to say that they can't go to a different school.. but still. the point is, that all things are NOT equal, and we DO see race (culturally), and to say that isn't so, is small minded and arrogant.
formerly known as Amyrlin
Btw I miss you too ~ K.B. 1971-2006