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more lies and denials moondog Send a noteboard - 03/04/2014 09:45:48 PM

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Support for Obamacare is at an all-time low, we don't know how many who signed up will pay (especially when premiums go up in a couple of months), lots of people lost their doctors and their plans and wanted to keep them and are angry, and the law seems to be doing nothing to keep costs down.

actually, support has surpassed opposition for at least the last few polls from pretty much all of the major polling places. if we use the phrase "Affordable Care Act" in place of "Obamacare" it's above 50% for most of the country. people may be mad now, but it's only the first 6 months since implementation. it took 3 full years before all the bugs were ironed out of Medicare part D, and i doubt you'd find many who have it who would say it should be repealed and/or replaced. and remember too, part D was rolled out and supported by both parties, despite dem opposition to the bill in congress.

Your characterization of the conservative resistance is also typical partisan trash. Most Republicans aren't heartless and evil. The problem is not with the stated goal of Obamacare but with its operation and its structure. All of the attempts to defund and repeal have the stated goal of ensuring that people with preexisting conditions don't suffer from the repeal. It's possible we will get health care reform right after everything else crashes and burns, but Obamacare will go down as a miserable abortion of a law either way. It will either need to be "fixed" (read: overhauled and completely gutted) or replaced.

i'm sure most republicans don't consider themselves to be heartless and evil, but the politicians who represent them surely can't deny it. paul broun has said Obamacare is "the destruction of everything"; cathy mcmorris-rodgers trotted out some lady in response to the State of the Union speech who is so blinded by republican ideology that she refuses to see for herself that not only will she save money on the insurance exchange, but her coverage will actually improve with a new plan. republicans continue to lie and obfuscate across the board, but you would have everyone believe that they have everyone's best interests at heart with respect to this? give me a break...

and you're still giving the same lame excuses that have been offered for the past 4 years without any real substance -- get rid of Obamacare, replace it with something which is pretty much just like Obamacare and does the exact same thing but somehow is different. consider in republican strongholds like alabama and mississippi, having a yearly income of under $16k is considered too wealthy to get a health insurance subsidy. i would really like to meet someone who makes $16k per year who can afford to go see a doctor without insurance.

then we have the example of kentucky, in which 2/3 of the people who were previously uninsured now have coverage. yet their senior senator, mitch mcconnel, says he would prefer to repeal it because he thinks they shouldn't be allowed the coverage they now have. what will he replace it with? nobody knows, because he has no plan other than "repeal, repeal, repeal". the House has already wasted some $74 million with repeal votes and republicans have actively cheered for this law to fail. the fact that the sign up goal was reached in the face of this opposition just shows how successful it will be, and it will be so despite your best efforts to derail it.

"The RIAA has shown a certain disregard for the creative people of the industry in their eagerness to protect the revenues of the record companies." -- Frank Zappa

"That's the trouble with political jokes in this country... they get elected!" -- Dave Lippman
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7 million Obamacare signups despite republican obstruction and denials - 02/04/2014 07:26:17 PM 1157 Views
Minus 5 million who lost coverage due to Obamacare..... - 02/04/2014 08:40:31 PM 612 Views
Lets see what happens long term, lets see what happens after Obama - 03/04/2014 02:18:13 AM 599 Views
Yeah, I wouldn't be breaking out the champagne if I were you - 02/04/2014 10:42:29 PM 630 Views
more lies and denials - 03/04/2014 09:45:48 PM 619 Views
Lies? Fuck you. I'm not lying. - 03/04/2014 09:54:03 PM 659 Views
except you are - 03/04/2014 09:57:03 PM 555 Views
Is it true that if you're uninsured you can pay a penalty and get insurance ? - 03/04/2014 08:39:53 AM 512 Views
No - 03/04/2014 02:31:50 PM 517 Views
Now I'm not the best at politics... - 03/04/2014 05:12:08 PM 579 Views
If you are poor, this is what happens - 03/04/2014 05:53:45 PM 529 Views
Or, in fewer words - 03/04/2014 06:42:58 PM 569 Views
thanks - 04/04/2014 12:10:46 PM 515 Views
I find it funny that they couldn't give us details on the numbers themselves. - 05/04/2014 06:54:05 PM 655 Views
Government is, as government does..... - 05/04/2014 07:19:36 PM 497 Views

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