Active Users:408 Time:06/07/2024 06:10:22 AM
if American unions were not so bad they would have more support random thoughts Send a noteboard - 18/02/2014 02:27:52 AM

I worked in a union shop and I did not enjoy it. Rules before common sense and senority before everything else. They created sensless busy work to protect jobs and ended with our shop shutdown because it was so much cheaper to outsource. In theory I support the idea of unions. I dont support public sector unions atleast not ones active in politics but if America could reinvent its unions I might change my opinions worker councils might be a start.

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Volkswagen workers reject United Auto Workers - - 17/02/2014 02:42:20 PM 770 Views
Are you still doing these? *NM* - 17/02/2014 06:31:29 PM 265 Views
It's either these or no posts..... *NM* - 17/02/2014 06:54:54 PM 176 Views
Even if that theory did hold up to testing - 17/02/2014 07:01:18 PM 418 Views
I dunno, I was kind of curious how the first American "works council" would work out. - 17/02/2014 06:57:15 PM 454 Views
if American unions were not so bad they would have more support - 18/02/2014 02:27:52 AM 387 Views
So out of curiosity, you are totally against all unions? *NM* - 18/02/2014 02:39:45 AM 173 Views
Can't say I am against "ALL", but I can't think of any I would support..... - 18/02/2014 04:47:39 AM 379 Views
How do you think things like benefits, salary, working conditions, etc. should be negotiated, then? *NM* - 18/02/2014 06:44:04 PM 169 Views
omost workers in the US don't belong to unions - 18/02/2014 08:13:19 PM 401 Views
So your argument is basically "let market forces do their work?" - 19/02/2014 02:43:09 AM 436 Views
sorry but I did not make an argument I answered your question - 19/02/2014 04:21:04 AM 419 Views
Agreed. public sector unions should be outlawed.....even FDR was against them. - 19/02/2014 01:03:56 PM 431 Views
But your original post was about an Auto Workers union, right? - 19/02/2014 02:10:54 PM 405 Views
(brain fart, I thought you were Anonymous 2000) *NM* - 19/02/2014 02:08:36 PM 162 Views
How would you prefer them to work? Any specific country? *NM* - 19/02/2014 02:09:40 PM 176 Views
more informal and less focus on senority and following every rule to the letter - 19/02/2014 04:49:48 PM 480 Views
I never really understood unions - 19/02/2014 03:10:27 PM 427 Views
It's not too difficult - 19/02/2014 08:54:16 PM 389 Views
In regards to working conditions.... - 20/02/2014 04:09:58 PM 460 Views
So, government regulation - 20/02/2014 06:07:43 PM 465 Views
most conservative support the idea of regulations - 20/02/2014 11:30:42 PM 367 Views
Ha! Well, yeah, can't really disagree there. *NM* - 21/02/2014 02:37:52 AM 201 Views
I understand what a labor union does - 21/02/2014 11:36:20 PM 400 Views
I hate public sector unions. They should be put to death. - 24/02/2014 07:47:28 AM 518 Views

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