Active Users:633 Time:06/07/2024 06:45:38 AM
Even if that theory did hold up to testing TheCrownless Send a noteboard - 17/02/2014 07:01:18 PM

an alternative to the current situation is well worth a trial run.

Come to the dark side, We have candy!

I'm Israel, he's Palestine, its more fun when you pick sides.
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Volkswagen workers reject United Auto Workers - - 17/02/2014 02:42:20 PM 771 Views
Are you still doing these? *NM* - 17/02/2014 06:31:29 PM 266 Views
It's either these or no posts..... *NM* - 17/02/2014 06:54:54 PM 177 Views
Even if that theory did hold up to testing - 17/02/2014 07:01:18 PM 419 Views
So out of curiosity, you are totally against all unions? *NM* - 18/02/2014 02:39:45 AM 173 Views
Can't say I am against "ALL", but I can't think of any I would support..... - 18/02/2014 04:47:39 AM 380 Views
How do you think things like benefits, salary, working conditions, etc. should be negotiated, then? *NM* - 18/02/2014 06:44:04 PM 170 Views
omost workers in the US don't belong to unions - 18/02/2014 08:13:19 PM 401 Views
So your argument is basically "let market forces do their work?" - 19/02/2014 02:43:09 AM 436 Views
sorry but I did not make an argument I answered your question - 19/02/2014 04:21:04 AM 419 Views
Agreed. public sector unions should be outlawed.....even FDR was against them. - 19/02/2014 01:03:56 PM 432 Views
But your original post was about an Auto Workers union, right? - 19/02/2014 02:10:54 PM 405 Views
(brain fart, I thought you were Anonymous 2000) *NM* - 19/02/2014 02:08:36 PM 162 Views
How would you prefer them to work? Any specific country? *NM* - 19/02/2014 02:09:40 PM 177 Views
more informal and less focus on senority and following every rule to the letter - 19/02/2014 04:49:48 PM 481 Views
I never really understood unions - 19/02/2014 03:10:27 PM 427 Views
It's not too difficult - 19/02/2014 08:54:16 PM 389 Views
In regards to working conditions.... - 20/02/2014 04:09:58 PM 462 Views
So, government regulation - 20/02/2014 06:07:43 PM 465 Views
most conservative support the idea of regulations - 20/02/2014 11:30:42 PM 367 Views
Ha! Well, yeah, can't really disagree there. *NM* - 21/02/2014 02:37:52 AM 201 Views
I understand what a labor union does - 21/02/2014 11:36:20 PM 400 Views
I hate public sector unions. They should be put to death. - 24/02/2014 07:47:28 AM 519 Views

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