I don't think there's anything wrong with living with your parents if you need to. Not only are student loans weighing a lot of students down for years and years after they graduate, but housing costs, at least here in Canada, are very high in the cities, which is also where most of the young-people jobs are. The cost of independent living has gone up and up, and I think for most people wages haven't kept the pace. And more older people are delaying retirement so they can save up enough, which keeps more people at the younger end of the population out of the job pool for longer. Add it all up, and staying at home if you can is an economically wise decision if you can manage the tradeoff of less independence.
Speaking personally, I was very fortunate that I was able to move back in with my parents for a year and a half. I moved out to go to school, but my education plans didn't pan out. Being able to move back in with them allowed me to refocus, save a bit of money, and get my working life back on track. I literally wouldn't be where I am today if it hadn't been for their willingness to help me out.
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