Active Users:542 Time:09/03/2025 09:36:08 PM
In this context American opinion is the important one, since it is US policy under discussion Isaac Send a noteboard - 09/12/2013 11:41:07 PM

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View original postI don't care about his motives or his persona. Anybody in the right position could have leaked the information and that's what's important. The info, not the guy. Having said that, I'm glad the guy is free and not in prison for doing something that people all over the world are grateful for.

View original postAre you're seriously arguing that Snowden remaining a guest of Russia did not hurt his cause?

View original postAround here, the US isn't necessarily better beloved than Russia. And Snowden disappeared from the news ages ago, tapping Angela Merkel's phone or the Swedish FRA spying on behalf of the US, not so much.

Not sure where 'here' is, where the US is considered on par with Russia, but if that is the case it definitely isn't something to preface comments with in a case like this. Snowden's a US citizen accused of crimes by the US claiming to have acted in our nation's interest. There is zero doubt he violated US law, so he needs to convince people he was morally required to break the law, and acted in the interest of others against his own interests. He's not doing a great job of that right now in the eyes of many of the same Americans who do confess serious concerns about what he exposed, not as much as if he were standing back straight, shoulders lifted in front of the firing squad, so to speak.

Furthermore nobody is really in a position to coerce the US into changing its policies except US voters, so in pragmatism-land, where actions are taken with regard to realistic estimation of their success, Snowden does not want to do anything which makes US voters doubt his patriotism. Foreign support won't much help, and can hurt, especially coming form places like Russia, which even if you think isn't worse then the US, is not an opinion shared by most US voters, the people who - right or wrong - determine US policy.

Also Snowden is still regularly in the news, here anyway, not headlining the big cable shows every night but a big feature on a regular basis.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
This message last edited by Isaac on 09/12/2013 at 11:43:25 PM
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Guardian person of the year - 09/12/2013 02:52:49 PM 1195 Views
Good choice. Snowden is a true patriot. - 09/12/2013 03:13:15 PM 796 Views
You know.... - 09/12/2013 04:11:09 PM 771 Views
It's because I have libertarian(ish) leanings that - 09/12/2013 04:36:13 PM 864 Views
Agreed - 09/12/2013 05:38:36 PM 793 Views
Why go to prison when you know you've done the right thing? - 09/12/2013 06:25:46 PM 735 Views
To prove it was the right thing? - 09/12/2013 07:12:34 PM 738 Views
Better to be free in Russia than rot in some American prison - 09/12/2013 09:10:20 PM 723 Views
Better for who? - 09/12/2013 09:51:09 PM 785 Views
Perhaps more in the eyes of the Americans? - 09/12/2013 11:10:10 PM 774 Views
In this context American opinion is the important one, since it is US policy under discussion - 09/12/2013 11:41:07 PM 787 Views
It would have been the right thing, and best for the anti-NSA movement - 10/12/2013 02:07:49 AM 805 Views
Screw that. He's not obligated to martyr himself. - 11/12/2013 06:23:43 PM 727 Views
I think he would make a fine martyr *NM* - 11/12/2013 07:15:51 PM 372 Views
We're discussing this in terms of "Person of the Year" *NM* - 11/12/2013 08:20:22 PM 369 Views
Well... - 10/12/2013 01:07:46 AM 847 Views
Snowden is most despicable? - 10/12/2013 02:11:35 AM 798 Views
Re: Well... - 11/12/2013 12:54:52 AM 818 Views
It's the Guardian, so this isn't very surprising or conclusive - 10/12/2013 02:15:56 AM 778 Views
I couldn't agree more - 11/12/2013 12:47:25 AM 713 Views
I'm hardly knowledgeable on the topic - 12/12/2013 09:49:10 AM 806 Views
While i have mixed feelings about Snowden - 12/12/2013 04:56:37 PM 760 Views

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